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I regret my impulse behaviour (TW sh)

Sooo I used to have a crush on this boy, let's call him J. I was obsessing over J (as I always do with my crushes) buuut he was flirting with me one day and he (tried) to write my name on his body with a pencil. I thought this was cute and for some dumb reason I was not thinking straight and decided "I'm gonna take it a step further and *carve* his name into my arm!"...yeah soo I did that and I did it deeep so the scar is prominent. I regret it cus I was literally so deluded like..I didn't even know if he liked me (spoiler alert, he likes my friend) and literally a day or two after I did it I stopped being obsessed with him. It's literally his whole first name too I should've just put a J at most but noo 😭 Now I can't wear short sleeve stuff anywhere and summer's coming up which means swimming but I don't want to show my arm. I literally didn't even think about any of that before I did it though. (Btw this isn't my first time carving someone's name into myself but it was my leg so I don't really care as much)

Does anybody have any recommendations to help naturally fade the scar? I heard coconut oil helps, but are there other things too that worked for anyone?
You just gotta check yourself in to a mental hospital
Reply 2
Original post by Anonymous
Sooo I used to have a crush on this boy, let's call him J. I was obsessing over J (as I always do with my crushes) buuut he was flirting with me one day and he (tried) to write my name on his body with a pencil. I thought this was cute and for some dumb reason I was not thinking straight and decided "I'm gonna take it a step further and *carve* his name into my arm!"...yeah soo I did that and I did it deeep so the scar is prominent. I regret it cus I was literally so deluded like..I didn't even know if he liked me (spoiler alert, he likes my friend) and literally a day or two after I did it I stopped being obsessed with him. It's literally his whole first name too I should've just put a J at most but noo 😭 Now I can't wear short sleeve stuff anywhere and summer's coming up which means swimming but I don't want to show my arm. I literally didn't even think about any of that before I did it though. (Btw this isn't my first time carving someone's name into myself but it was my leg so I don't really care as much)
Does anybody have any recommendations to help naturally fade the scar? I heard coconut oil helps, but are there other things too that worked for anyone?

Maybe put a plaster over it or use foundation? But I think you should speak to the school councillor about your impulsive thoughts and the need to hurt yourself? I mean if its enough to scare it must have hurt and bled?
Reply 3
Original post by Zoe101!
Maybe put a plaster over it or use foundation? But I think you should speak to the school councillor about your impulsive thoughts and the need to hurt yourself? I mean if its enough to scare it must have hurt and bled?
Yeah I hurt and was bleeding but I didn't care about that at the time. Thanks for the recommendation! I'll have to get waterproof ones so they don't fall off in water. I've tried foundation but I think I need a better coverage one. I don't like speaking to school counselors because I don't feel comfortable with it.
Reply 4
Original post by Funnyguppy4
You just gotta check yourself in to a mental hospital

I'm a minor so my mom would have to do that, + I don't think it's that serious
Reply 5
Original post by Anonymous
Yeah I hurt and was bleeding but I didn't care about that at the time. Thanks for the recommendation! I'll have to get waterproof ones so they don't fall off in water. I've tried foundation but I think I need a better coverage one. I don't like speaking to school counselors because I don't feel comfortable with it.

you need to reach out to someone, your doctor or school for help really? Because you could have ADHD or bipolar disorder
Original post by Anonymous
I'm a minor so my mom would have to do that, + I don't think it's that serious

Hey, I don’t mean any offence by this but I think you should look into therapy. It’s not something only unwell people do, but it’s just helps to clear the mind a lot! I think everyone really benefits from it to be honest
Reply 7
Original post by Zoe101!
you need to reach out to someone, your doctor or school for help really? Because you could have ADHD or bipolar disorder

I actually do have ADHD :tongue:p And I show all the symptoms for BPD and HPD but school counselors don't deal with that stuff (when I told my past counselor about more serious things she told me I need a therapist for that). I have told my mom I want therapy many times but she's not looking for any:\\
Reply 8
Original post by Anonymous
I actually do have ADHD :tongue:p And I show all the symptoms for BPD and HPD but school counselors don't deal with that stuff (when I told my past counselor about more serious things she told me I need a therapist for that). I have told my mom I want therapy many times but she's not looking for any:\\

Sorry to hear this, speak to your doctor as they can help you find a therapist. Take care of yourself

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