Sooo I used to have a crush on this boy, let's call him J. I was obsessing over J (as I always do with my crushes) buuut he was flirting with me one day and he (tried) to write my name on his body with a pencil. I thought this was cute and for some dumb reason I was not thinking straight and decided "I'm gonna take it a step further and *carve* his name into my arm!"...yeah soo I did that and I did it deeep so the scar is prominent. I regret it cus I was literally so deluded like..I didn't even know if he liked me (spoiler alert, he likes my friend) and literally a day or two after I did it I stopped being obsessed with him. It's literally his whole first name too I should've just put a J at most but noo 😭 Now I can't wear short sleeve stuff anywhere and summer's coming up which means swimming but I don't want to show my arm. I literally didn't even think about any of that before I did it though. (Btw this isn't my first time carving someone's name into myself but it was my leg so I don't really care as much)
Does anybody have any recommendations to help naturally fade the scar? I heard coconut oil helps, but are there other things too that worked for anyone?