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Universities and GCSES

I'm a student averaging 6-7s in GCSE and want to study medicine in the future. If I do well in UCAT and A levels, can I still get into medical schools like USC, Kings, Queen Marys, St Georges? I don't mind as long as they in London.
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Original post by nnabi
I'm a student averaging 6-7s in GCSE and want to study medicine in the future. If I do well in UCAT and A levels, can I still get into medical schools like USC, Kings, Queen Marys, St Georges? I don't mind as long as they in London.
GCSEs are not the be all and end all . Only certain unis will look at grades but it will not ultimately be a deciding factor. Also consider its extremely context-based . i.e if youre at a school that roughly produces 7/8/9 then they wont think too much of it, however, if your school roughly produces 5/6/7 then itll be thought of more highly. At the end of the day, GCSEs are just a stepping stone to get to A-Levels and the most important factor is the grades youll be getting at the end of A-Level. Dont stress too much ! Youve got this !

Edit: for most unis the main requirements is a grade 5 in maths and english, and i presume itll be a similar situation for medicine. ie. attainment of 5/6/7 at gcse in specified subjects. Look at the prospectus for this year and itll show the GCSE requirements theyre currently accepting !
(edited 9 months ago)

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