I suffer from exceptionally bad adhd and have terrible timeblindness. It's especially unfortunate because i feel and have been told that i have great potential but academia is something that does not feel exceptionally difficult for me. But due to my ADHD I just leave things to the final day and delude myself into this idea that i can memorise my entire subject in a day/night. I'm also a young carer which has additional constraints. I have 2 A-levels tomorrow that i am not prepared for but i have one in a week that i can get an A* in if i ditch the other two for now and just sit them next year.
I also want to apply to UCL Law LLB course next cycle as a private candidate. If i apply to UCL with the single A* in Politics, a good personal statement and an exceptional LSAT score, (i took it the previous year and got an above average grade) Do i have a shot? Thank you in advance.