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Cheating or not cheating

I'm in a sexless marriage and I have never cheated and without going into details (I will answer questions if required) So my question is... do you think that without any physical contact is masturbating with a man other than your husband?
Is it cheating? Yea.
As much as I'd have a degree of sympathy given that you're in a marriage that is not meeting your needs, yes, it's clearly cheating. In practice, you've got three options. First, separate and then end the marriage. Second, get counselling. Third, talk to your husband about it and the possibility of him agreeing to you getting your needs met elsewhere. The third one isn't straightforward and probably needs a bit of the second in it for it to work, but it may be an option. Either way, you want to actually address the issues in your marriage. Finding intimacy elsewhere is really only burying your head in the sand, and isn't a solution.
You can’t really get into that kinda situation without putting yourself there… you for sure cheated. Tell him, apologise, discuss your marriage and work on yourself
I'm a single guy who has been with quite a few of married women and one thing that I won't do is have sex with a friends wife or even masturbate with her. I don't know why but in my younger days women would come up to me and masturbate in front of me and I loved it and it was happening to me so many times and most of them were married and if I said how many women who had either sex or just masturbated with me you wouldn't believe me. The married ladies who didn't want to cheat there would be no physical contact and I was good with that so in a way I do think that it is cheating and I also think that it is not because of no physical contact. Even to this day I will run in to one of these women and some times nothing will happen and then it will happen again lol

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