The Student Room Group

Covert Surveillance Officers For DWP

Anyone applied for this position? Also does anyone do this job that can give me an idea of what the day to day is like?
Reply 1
Original post by Yeah40310
Anyone applied for this position? Also does anyone do this job that can give me an idea of what the day to day is like?

I did. Just got an invite to the assessment center. Any news on your end?
Reply 2
I've also got an invite to assessment.
Reply 3
How did you guys get on with your assessments?
Reply 4
Not done them yet. They are this week.
Reply 5
Mines is tomorrow. I’ll post here what happens so you have some sort of knowledge of what you’re going into 👍
Reply 6
Original post by RD1111
Mines is tomorrow. I’ll post here what happens so you have some sort of knowledge of what you’re going into 👍

How did it go?
Reply 7
Original post by Coffee&TV.
How did it go?

Apologies, just finished.

It’s a group assessment. You’ll receive a Microsoft forms link to input your answers into. The questions are labelled “Q1”, “Q2” etc.

You will be entered into a lobby and shown videos/audio tapes etc.

You’ll then be asked a series of questions on these recordings which you input your answers into the MS forms.

I would recommend taking a notebook and being very quick. You can’t ask questions etc.

Note down your candidate ID number and have everything prepped for the interview. You don’t need to produce any ID etc for the assessment, contrary to the invite email, so don’t worry at this stage.

It took around 45 minutes and I thought it was a really good experience. Best of luck!
(edited 8 months ago)
Original post by RD1111
Apologies, just finished.
It’s a group assessment. You’ll receive a Microsoft forms link to input your answers into. The questions are labelled “Q1”, “Q2” etc.
You will be entered into a lobby and shown videos/audio tapes etc.
You’ll then be asked a series of questions on these recordings which you input your answers into the MS forms.
I would recommend taking a notebook and being very quick. You can’t ask questions etc.
Note down your candidate ID number and have everything prepped for the interview. You don’t need to produce any ID etc for the assessment, contrary to the invite email, so don’t worry at this stage.
It took around 45 minutes and I thought it was a really good experience. Best of luck!
Were any interview style questions asked at this stage? Or was it purely an assessment?
Reply 9
Original post by RD1111
Apologies, just finished.
It’s a group assessment. You’ll receive a Microsoft forms link to input your answers into. The questions are labelled “Q1”, “Q2” etc.
You will be entered into a lobby and shown videos/audio tapes etc.
You’ll then be asked a series of questions on these recordings which you input your answers into the MS forms.
I would recommend taking a notebook and being very quick. You can’t ask questions etc.
Note down your candidate ID number and have everything prepped for the interview. You don’t need to produce any ID etc for the assessment, contrary to the invite email, so don’t worry at this stage.
It took around 45 minutes and I thought it was a really good experience. Best of luck!
I have mine tomorrow. What sort of questions were you asked?
Does anyone of anyone who has done this job?
Original post by Jadelouise1995
Does anyone of anyone who has done this job?

Not for the DWP, but I know some operatives with other companies.
Reply 12
Has anyone heard back from this job?
Reply 13
Hi, I have my face-to-face interview in at 11am. The behavioral questions are given to you prior to the interview so you can at least go a little prepared. Other than answering the questions and looking for old episodes of anything Dominic Littlewood related that have these kinds of operations featured, there isn't a lot out there to use for research.
Reply 14
Original post by adey4042
Hi, I have my face-to-face interview in at 11am. The behavioral questions are given to you prior to the interview so you can at least go a little prepared. Other than answering the questions and looking for old episodes of anything Dominic Littlewood related that have these kinds of operations featured, there isn't a lot out there to use for research.

Good luck! Do you have your interview today?
Reply 15
I'm a Covert Surveillance Operetive, it's dominated by ex police or ex military like myself although it really makes no difference what background you have. Training learned prior to this, had little relevance other than driving styles and terminology. Be prepared for very early starts, late finishes, unpredictable day to day activities and sometimes long periods of little or no activity. You'll have a love hate relationship with quiet days and busy days but on your quiet days where you're sat in the rear of a cold/hot vehicle, remember you could be outside shoveling sh** for a living instead. It has it's ups and downs like any job, it's not as James bond 007 as some make out but it does have it's times where your adrenaline gets pumping and you'll love it. Best of luck to you all, hope this wasn't too much on the negative side😂

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