The Student Room Group

QUB midwifery reserve

Hello. I applied for midwifery at queens for sept 24 intake and was unsuccessful, however got an offer for adult nursing Feb intake. Does anyone know if you make the reserve list for midwifery can you still accept the nursing and be on the reserve list to be notified if a midwifery place comes up?
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Original post by Sarahlou9090
Hello. I applied for midwifery at queens for sept 24 intake and was unsuccessful, however got an offer for adult nursing Feb intake. Does anyone know if you make the reserve list for midwifery can you still accept the nursing and be on the reserve list to be notified if a midwifery place comes up?

If you aren't on the reservation list for midwifery then you don't normally get a offer.

You have been given an alternative course in adult nursing because you haven't probably done enough for midwifery but you were good enough to get offer adult nursing.

Yeah you can accept adult nursing course if you were put on the reservation list for midwifery but you'll have to hope that everyone else who been offered midwifery don't accept there offers to allow those on the reservation list to get a opportunity.

Remember that as a qualified adult nurse you can still work on maternity wards as you can do nearly everything a midwife do except delivering babies.

I have a few adult nurses working under myself on maternity ward and they do a fantastic job 🙂.

A NHS registered midwife

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