The Student Room Group

Have I been ghosted

Ok. So I’ve been talking to a guy for 5 months now, long story short we established we that a relationship won’t work between is for various reasons, but I want to assume we are staying friends cos we had this conversation about 6 weeks ago and we still talk to each other (btw we were still very flirtatious). If your wondering why I decided to keep in contact with him, well he is pretty amazing guy and i haven’t met many people like that, and I didn't have feelings for him anymore so I didn’t see the problem (I do not know his side when it comes to this friendship). Well last week he messaged me when I was coming back to my hometown, and I replied when and he didn’t reply back. I didn’t think anything of it. And I was thinking of him yesterday and had a strange urge to message him. So I did and ask how he is doing, well it’s been over 12 hours and I haven’t got a reply. I have a strange feeling he doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore, so idk if I should trust my gut. I honestly don’t mind if he doesn’t want to do anything with me, but it’s a bit strange that he asked when I was coming back to my hometown (we are pretty close by when I am back home) if he doesn’t want anything to do with me. So have I been ghosted or am I being stupid, he has always been a crap messager but has always initiated conversation. Well if have been ghosted, I hope the pain doesn’t get worse cos I have exams to study for lol.

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