I’m in y11 and there are a group of absolutely horrible girls who basically prey on quiet kids. They moan random peoples names out loud (they’ve done it to me too), basically sexually harassed a few of my friends who are such nice people that absolutely do not deserve it. They said disgusting sexual things about them and boys in our tutorial group, and laughed like cows afterwards. It’s literally the end of y11 and they are the only ones acting so atrociously.
Today one of them literally asked a substitute teacher for his name and then moaned it out loud, I can’t even fathom why someone would do that. This one specifically I loathe the most, as she confronted me once about laughing about something in a serious assembly (was completely unrelated) when she and her friend were being even more disrespectful. She also just says my name out loud sometimes. It’s the kind of thing where she knows I’m not going to reply and she takes genuine pleasure out of it. It infuriates me to the point of wanting to cry.
Again today she threw her shoe at one of my friends and it hit her, and she did the whole fake apology abt how it was supposed to go behind her and her friends were all cackling. They are just so evil it’s unbelievable. They were all also just being generally jarring shouting things in the quiet classroom and picking on people.
I don’t know what to do about it because this situation absolutely infuriates me so so much. If I tell a teacher then they will 100% know it was me and I know I wouldn’t hear the end of it. They are just bullies who have never been humbled by anyone, and absolutely NO ONE stands up to them. I would love to but I just know what would happen after, these girls would ostracize me and I’d be a walking joke.
I’m not a violent person but they are the type of ppl who you just want walk up to and clock in the face, because they absolutely deserve it,if you get what I mean. Any advice?