The Student Room Group

gcse ocr maths

if ive got about 85% on the first paper is it still possible to get a 9? I'm really annoyed because i made so many like stupid mistakes
Original post by jajahjhajhsja
if ive got about 85% on the first paper is it still possible to get a 9? I'm really annoyed because i made so many like stupid mistakes

hi mate! I don't know anything about OCR maths or the grade boundaries, but if I could say anything, it would be don't worry about a paper you've already sat, it's out of your control now. I did my GCSEs last year and I was worried about getting the 9 in maths too as I made silly mistakes and couldn't even answer some of the questions at the back, but i ended up getting it and honestly the worrying was for nothing. 85% is a good percentage, and you should be totally fine, best to try and forget about it for now! Good luck
Reply 2
Original post by gyllenhaalferret
hi mate! I don't know anything about OCR maths or the grade boundaries, but if I could say anything, it would be don't worry about a paper you've already sat, it's out of your control now. I did my GCSEs last year and I was worried about getting the 9 in maths too as I made silly mistakes and couldn't even answer some of the questions at the back, but i ended up getting it and honestly the worrying was for nothing. 85% is a good percentage, and you should be totally fine, best to try and forget about it for now! Good luck

okay thank you! ill try not to worry too much
Reply 3
did OCR gcse maths, and yes with 85% a 9 is definitely possible if the grade boundaries are still similar! as above do not worry about the paper you have done, just stay calm and take care of yourself so you can do your best in all your other papers : ) good luck, you've got this!

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