The Student Room Group

is my bf cheating?

I (f18) have my exams so me and my bf (m17) haven't seen each other for 2 weeks n our relationship has felt off. we have only been dating for 1.5 months.

i recently saw that he's been talking with other people on a discord group-chat (i had his login) saying outrageous sexual related things to other people.

also saying how a girls height was 174cm was 'perfect height' when i'm 150cm.

girl- i'm gonna tie u up and * u
him- my turn

him- id never let u touch me
girl- me neither
him- u cant stop me

Is this considered cheating? I dont even know bc it probably is i just would NEVER expect someone like him to do that. its like he had a different personality on there that i cant believe. there's also much more examples but i'm just trying to justify all of this and i don't know why. He's begging for me not to leave him and saying he doesn't remember saying all of it and the msgs nothing he was just trying to get a reaction and fit in with them.

i have a thing for forgiving exes and idk how to stop doing it, i always see how they could possibly change. He hasn't treated me that well but i feel like im just staying because he's the only person i have to hang out with and do normal activities with :frown:
Original post by Anonymous
I (f18) have my exams so me and my bf (m17) haven't seen each other for 2 weeks n our relationship has felt off. we have only been dating for 1.5 months.
i recently saw that he's been talking with other people on a discord group-chat (i had his login) saying outrageous sexual related things to other people.
also saying how a girls height was 174cm was 'perfect height' when i'm 150cm.
girl- i'm gonna tie u up and * u
him- my turn
him- id never let u touch me
girl- me neither
him- u cant stop me
Is this considered cheating? I dont even know bc it probably is i just would NEVER expect someone like him to do that. its like he had a different personality on there that i cant believe. there's also much more examples but i'm just trying to justify all of this and i don't know why. He's begging for me not to leave him and saying he doesn't remember saying all of it and the msgs nothing he was just trying to get a reaction and fit in with them.
i have a thing for forgiving exes and idk how to stop doing it, i always see how they could possibly change. He hasn't treated me that well but i feel like im just staying because he's the only person i have to hang out with and do normal activities with :frown:

So your relationship has felt off for approximately a third of its time and your bf is engaging in sexual chat with other girls. Why bother?
Original post by Anonymous
I (f18) have my exams so me and my bf (m17) haven't seen each other for 2 weeks n our relationship has felt off. we have only been dating for 1.5 months.
i recently saw that he's been talking with other people on a discord group-chat (i had his login) saying outrageous sexual related things to other people.
also saying how a girls height was 174cm was 'perfect height' when i'm 150cm.
girl- i'm gonna tie u up and * u
him- my turn
him- id never let u touch me
girl- me neither
him- u cant stop me
Is this considered cheating? I dont even know bc it probably is i just would NEVER expect someone like him to do that. its like he had a different personality on there that i cant believe. there's also much more examples but i'm just trying to justify all of this and i don't know why. He's begging for me not to leave him and saying he doesn't remember saying all of it and the msgs nothing he was just trying to get a reaction and fit in with them.
i have a thing for forgiving exes and idk how to stop doing it, i always see how they could possibly change. He hasn't treated me that well but i feel like im just staying because he's the only person i have to hang out with and do normal activities with :frown:

He’s speaking sexual. Only means one thing he’s a cheat. You should have personally caused a scene on his discord server to the girl he was sexually role playing with making aware your his girlfriend she isn’t and to tell her to F*** off. Just dump him. A man prioritises his woman if he truly loves her, I may have understood if she’s a friend but that’s just not on.
Original post by Anonymous
I (f18) have my exams so me and my bf (m17) haven't seen each other for 2 weeks n our relationship has felt off. we have only been dating for 1.5 months.
i recently saw that he's been talking with other people on a discord group-chat (i had his login) saying outrageous sexual related things to other people.
also saying how a girls height was 174cm was 'perfect height' when i'm 150cm.
girl- i'm gonna tie u up and * u
him- my turn
him- id never let u touch me
girl- me neither
him- u cant stop me
Is this considered cheating? I dont even know bc it probably is i just would NEVER expect someone like him to do that. its like he had a different personality on there that i cant believe. there's also much more examples but i'm just trying to justify all of this and i don't know why. He's begging for me not to leave him and saying he doesn't remember saying all of it and the msgs nothing he was just trying to get a reaction and fit in with them.
i have a thing for forgiving exes and idk how to stop doing it, i always see how they could possibly change. He hasn't treated me that well but i feel like im just staying because he's the only person i have to hang out with and do normal activities with :frown:

Even if he isn’t cheating, drop him. Guys tend to have lower inhibitions online than irl and the way he’s acting is :


Majorly inappropriate (I’d consider it cheating)


Incredibly cringe

He doesn’t have the confidence to say these things irl, which means he knows they’re wrong on some level, and is exhibiting loser behaviour. It’s a massive red flag for him to have this discord alter ego , and I’d recommend ending it.
Good luck, no matter the outcome !

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