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GCSE literature paper 2, am i going insane???

I might be going insane but are all the english lit paper 2s on the aqa website not correct like questions to the ones we've been told will be on their?
i was told on paper 2 its modern novel and anthology then unseen poetry which you then compare to your anthology but the questions on the papers don't seem to be that?
lmk pls
(edited 8 months ago)
Reply 1
icl ive seen the same thing and i gen think its just its them tweaking out bc it only seems to be for 2021 ans 2022!! if u go on pmt it says (when on paper 1) June 2021/2022 -1M/1N/1P. if u check one of them youll find them! hope this helps :smile:)
Reply 2
I think they cut back on content in Covid so the papers were diff but now it’s def poetry anthology, unseen poetry and novel like Lord of the flies. Unseen you write about one poem then compare to another unseen
Reply 3
Original post by LouGe
I think they cut back on content in Covid so the papers were diff but now it’s def poetry anthology, unseen poetry and novel like Lord of the flies. Unseen you write about one poem then compare to another unseen

thank you, yeah i j watched a video on it and i must have j misunderstood someone at some point

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