The Student Room Group

How do I ask a boy to prom?


A little bit of a backstory to this;

Since December, I and this guy have been really talking at school and on text, I told him I liked him, and he said he liked me back. In February, we went to Iceland, and I asked him if he wanted to go out with me, and he said no. We didn't speak for a week, then after that week, we were at each others throats. About 1 month later I apologised and he forgave me too.

Since then, we started from the basics (asking things about each other since we didn't do that to begin with when we first became friends). I feel Since we've been going slow, I've gotten closer to him again, especially since he's one of those people who doesn't have a lot of friends but the ones he has he is close with, I like him again but I don't want to make a fool of myself if he doesn't like me.

How do I ask him to prom without feeling bad if he says no, or without making it something extravagant?

Any help would be appreciated!
Reply 1
maybe just open a convo ab prom and ask if hes going with anybody and open up the possibility of u 2 going together? if he says no at least u tried and u can just move past it
Get him by himself w no one else around and ask him! if he says no, then no harm done bc no one saw it lol
Original post by eleanor00
maybe just open a convo ab prom and ask if hes going with anybody and open up the possibility of u 2 going together? if he says no at least u tried and u can just move past it

I agree 100%, it's best not to make a big deal out of it in my opinion.

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