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WJEC Eduqas GCSE Geography B Paper 2 (C112U20-1) - 5th June [Exam Chat]

WJEC Eduqas GCSE Geography B Paper 2
Wednesday 5th June (AM)
Feel free to talk about any revision you have been doing
How paper 1 went
How paper 2 went after the exam
Good Luck
(edited 9 months ago)

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main topics to memorise for paper 2:
climate change
global warming
Original post by glamgirllip
main topics to memorise for paper 2:
climate change
global warming

Thanks for replying I and my new geography teachers agree with these key topics for paper 2
How was paper 1?
(My old Geography teacher hasn't been in since 19th April we haven't been told why but I suspect it's jury service as we are told he isn't ill)
Original post by Adam Woodbridge
Thanks for replying I and my new geography teachers agree with these key topics for paper 2
How was paper 1?
(My old Geography teacher hasn't been in since 19th April we haven't been told why but I suspect it's jury service as we are told he isn't ill)

it was alright to be honest.I have some online flashcards(some are a bit incomplete) but they might be useful for you
Original post by glamgirllip
it was alright to be honest.I have some online flashcards(some are a bit incomplete) but they might be useful for you
The format seemed a little bit odd but I liked the paper especially with only 2 8-markers. I know that I lost 1 mark for the 2 marker about data-presentation techniques but apart from that I think I only lost marks on not explaining enough. If you can remember what did you put for the sponge road question?
Original post by Adam Woodbridge
The format seemed a little bit odd but I liked the paper especially with only 2 8-markers. I know that I lost 1 mark for the 2 marker about data-presentation techniques but apart from that I think I only lost marks on not explaining enough. If you can remember what did you put for the sponge road question?

yeah I was glad to see only 2-8 markers.Honestly i do not remember any answers i put:frown:Sorry
Original post by glamgirllip
yeah I was glad to see only 2-8 markers.Honestly i do not remember any answers i put:frown:Sorry

That's alright. How are you feeling about Paper 2? Personally my favourite paper and I got a 9 from a practice exam in my most recent mocks.
Reply 7
Original post by Adam Woodbridge
WJEC Eduqas GCSE Geography B Paper 2
Wednesday 5th June (AM)
Feel free to talk about any revision you have been doing
How paper 1 went
How paper 2 went after the exam
Good Luck

Does anyone know what was on last year's paper 2?
Original post by Butkins
Does anyone know what was on last year's paper 2?
Welcome to the chat
How did paper 1 go?
To answer your question
Development in Jakarta
Jakarta Sinking/Flooding
Choice of 3 options (Choose 1) for Part C
I know this because in my Geography lesson today we had a look at this past paper.
Reply 9
Original post by Adam Woodbridge
Welcome to the chat
How did paper 1 go?
To answer your question
Development in Jakarta
Jakarta Sinking/Flooding
Choice of 3 options (Choose 1) for Part C
I know this because in my Geography lesson today we had a look at this past paper.

Paper 1 was was pretty good I think but I'm so unsure about the next 2 papers.We've never even done a mock for Paper 2 in our school ☹️ Thanks so much for this - very helpful and good luck!
Original post by Butkins
Paper 1 was was pretty good I think but I'm so unsure about the next 2 papers.We've never even done a mock for Paper 2 in our school ☹️ Thanks so much for this - very helpful and good luck!
Everything you need to know about paper 2
Problem Solving

90 Minutes

Part A- Introduced to a place that has a geographical problem that needs solving. Examples include Flooding, Depopulation,Water Insecurity (Not everything that could come up)

Part B- Introduced to some solutions to the problem and exam questions about them.

Part C- 12 mark question justifying which option/options you think works the best. Use evidence (if given) and justify why you have chosen your option/options.(4 SPaG marks)

Resource booklet the same as with Paper 1 and Paper 3. This has the resources and the options in.
(edited 8 months ago)
Reply 11
Original post by Adam Woodbridge
Everything you need to know about paper 2
Problem Solving
90 Minutes
Part A- Introduced to a place that has a geographical problem that needs solving. Examples include Flooding, Depopulation,Water Insecurity (Not everything that could come up)
Part B- Introduced to some solutions to the problem and exam questions about them.
Part C- 12 mark question justifying which option/options you think works the best. Use evidence (if given) and justify why you have chosen your option/options.(4 SPaG marks)
Resource booklet the same as with Paper 1 and Paper 3. This has the resources and the options in.

does anyone have access to wjec eduqas paper 2 (questions and mark scheme) from last year, i wanna use it for revision before tmrw, my teacher is keeping our mocks incase anything happens so
Original post by Adam Woodbridge
That's alright. How are you feeling about Paper 2? Personally my favourite paper and I got a 9 from a practice exam in my most recent mocks.

i think it's great personally too due to the resource booklet!although i'm not sure why i am feeling slightly nervous about the paper but hoping it's got some good topics that you can link with a lot of things

Could things about like rivers,river formations,erosion etc come up(i hope it doesn't-i'd prefer things like climate change,devlopment,urbanisation etc)
Reply 13
Original post by Adam Woodbridge
Everything you need to know about paper 2
Problem Solving
90 Minutes
Part A- Introduced to a place that has a geographical problem that needs solving. Examples include Flooding, Depopulation,Water Insecurity (Not everything that could come up)
Part B- Introduced to some solutions to the problem and exam questions about them.
Part C- 12 mark question justifying which option/options you think works the best. Use evidence (if given) and justify why you have chosen your option/options.(4 SPaG marks)
Resource booklet the same as with Paper 1 and Paper 3. This has the resources and the options in.
Thanks! Hope it goes well 🤞🏻
Original post by Butkins
Thanks! Hope it goes well 🤞🏻

Good luck to you and the others in the chat too today.
How did everyone find it?
Also for paper 3 - is everyone doing Changes over time and mitigating risk?
Original post by surfinsafari
How did everyone find it?
I found it great. I realised that I put about drought resistant crops for the questions about new technology but I had plenty of time to retype my answer to these questions. I put loads for the 12-marker and chose sand dams as the best option for Bahrain.
Original post by surfinsafari
How did everyone find it?

not best but not worst. Bro I screwed up the median question. I put it in order -16,-16,-21, 200, not -21, -16, -16, 200 😭😭😭
Original post by surfinsafari
Also for paper 3 - is everyone doing Changes over time and mitigating risk?

Everybody doing this exam specification for this year's GCSEs have these two topics. However the topics change every year so current YR10s using this exam specification have different topics.
(edited 8 months ago)

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