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Physics gcse calculation questionsss

Does anyone have any last minute tips for the calculation questions for physics tmr. I really wanna get full marks in them especially the 5 marker ones :smile:)
Idk what exam board you are on but on mine the tricks are to re- arrange equations with the words fist and then substitute in the numbers to make sure you'll get at least 1 mark - make sure to double check substitution as well
Make sure to use the correct units and read the question carefully before trying it
To check over, substitute the answer you got back into the equation and rearrange again to make sure it's all coming out correctly
Also maybe try and find some if the specific questions you struggle with in past papers tonight to go over them and make sure you know where the marks come from so you can get them in the real exam
Good luck!
Reply 2
Write down all the values you know. This helps you correlate with equations
V = 2
I = 6

R = ?

Keep adding as you figure out more values for anything else.

Remember it's all about method marks, just write down what you DO know

Good luck :smile:))

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