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Which subject is better-- A-level Geography or Physics

I am in y11 and I am firm on doing economics and maths, with no idea of what I am going to do in the future just yet. I didn't revise for more than a couple hours for any of my gcse exams and managed to get a 9 in my geography mock and a 8 in physics. I find both subjects fairly interesting but I was leaning more towards geo, however my severe lack of motivation and hatred towards coursework is whats making me doubt it. Any advice?
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Original post by oskarf.1
I am in y11 and I am firm on doing economics and maths, with no idea of what I am going to do in the future just yet. I didn't revise for more than a couple hours for any of my gcse exams and managed to get a 9 in my geography mock and a 8 in physics. I find both subjects fairly interesting but I was leaning more towards geo, however my severe lack of motivation and hatred towards coursework is whats making me doubt it. Any advice?

I would say that Physics would help to open more doors if you decide to go to uni as it is more likely to be a required subject than geography, e.g. if you decided to study engineering or something similar some unis may ask for it but not all. Physics would be more challenging (still manageable and worth it if you like it!!) but doing Maths A-level as you mentioned will help you a lot. Geography would have coursework and Physics would have required practicals that need detailed write up afterwards typically taking 1 lesson (something u may not like as it is coursework ish but they’re not that often- I think it’s 11/12 over 2 years).

I don’t mean to sound like an advocate for Physics, my friend does Geography and loves it. You should pick whichever one you enjoy the most if you’re not sure about which career you’d like yet- there is ways around not sitting an a-level that you may need for uni and you’re more likely to do better in the subject you prefer. You can also switch subjects early in the year so don’t stress!

Sorry if this was too long but hopefully you found it helpful. Feel free to ask any other questions about a-levels!
ima be real physics is so hard. but if you love it do it. i got a 9 at GCSE and was struggling for a long time. but if you're committed (and also do maths which helps) go for it!
If you have a lack of motivation go for geography it’s way easier, as someone who does both

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