The Student Room Group

A-level subjects

I'm 18 and I'm planning to take A-level for my pre-university. But can I freely choose subjects that I want to study? In google it said you can choose up to 4 subjects but there are some university doesn't let me choose specific subjects instead they told me to take recommended combination of subjects which doesn't suit me.
Reply 1
Depending on what you aim to study at university, some subjects are more picky than others. Undergraduate admissions like you to have 3 A levels, I have personally only ever seen 4 A level university offers when further maths is included for something like engineering or maths degrees.

There may be other options for you that wouldn't take as long as doing A levels. I expect some (much) more knowledgable people will reply to this thread at some point with more insight, but I think it would be a good idea to attempt to talk to the career advisor (or similar) at your last school if possible.

Good luck!
Reply 2
Original post by Aiman Naufal
I'm 18 and I'm planning to take A-level for my pre-university. But can I freely choose subjects that I want to study? In google it said you can choose up to 4 subjects but there are some university doesn't let me choose specific subjects instead they told me to take recommended combination of subjects which doesn't suit me.

What field do you want to go into?? For some fields like Accounting and Medicine, you will most definitely need maths and stem subjects for unis to accept you onto the course. However some unis let you take a course regardless of the subjects you have taken as long as you get the grades required. So you can freely choose your subjects but it will depend on the university and course you will be taking. Hope this helps

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