The Student Room Group

10,000 black interns

Guys I’ve gotten an internship but I don’t know whether to pass it up to do work this summer. How much does the internship pay? Does anyone know? I’ve got one in the bar sector wbu?
Original post by Kelly.15
Guys I’ve gotten an internship but I don’t know whether to pass it up to do work this summer. How much does the internship pay? Does anyone know? I’ve got one in the bar sector wbu?

hello im currently applying for 10000 black interns but im worried will get rejected since i currently have no work experience. did u have some and if not what kind of things did u put down?
Original post by Kelly.15
Guys I’ve gotten an internship but I don’t know whether to pass it up to do work this summer. How much does the internship pay? Does anyone know? I’ve got one in the bar sector wbu?

hi, for the 250 word cover letter did you talk about your skills and experiences or did you just solely focus on your motivations for the bar sector?
yes me too I'm kind of confused because we cant tailor the application to specific firms so do we just speak generally about why we want an internship in that industry. Also are we supposed to mention firm's we want to work with

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