hi!! i got an offer from durham university a couple months ago to study theology and religious studies, but i applied for philosophy and theology. i also just got my college allocation back and got my 9th choice (grey) and was really gutted as it felt like something that would never actually happen and has really impacted my decision on whether or not i should choose to study at durham in september. should i put this much thought into it or is it not as important as i think?? i'm struggling to choose between edinburgh (where i was offered philosophy and theology) and durham. does anyone here know anything good about greys?? or more importantly is there anyone here that studies theology and religious studies and know whether i can choose a lot of philosophy optional modules?? i have tried to compare both courses from durham and edinburgh but it's quite hard as they can be so similar and it's hard to know whether i will enjoy studying either course until i get there. i spoke to the head of theology at durham at an offer holder day and he said i would be able to take optional modules in philosophy, but i'm not sure how much i'll be able to do this and whether it would be more sensible to take my offer at edinburgh as it's the course i actually applies for. i need to decide ASAP so if anyone could help, i'd be so grateful !!