The Student Room Group

I don't care anymore

You know what I just feel drained out of everything my iman is drained, my creativity is drained, my behavior is getting worse and worse and you know what I always say "just until these stupid GCSEs exams are over" ugh you know it just makes me not care how I act anymore I just don't care if I'm rude or upset since I know it will change after exams so it doesn't matter if I feel empty or just not doing enough for my Deen (Islam) as I want to yes I do still pray all my daily prayers but I don't do anything else but that and honestly I can't. And it's like everyone else is acing every exam while i feel like I'm not acing any and each exam is always just ok or alright or not at all.
Original post by ZanaStara
You know what I just feel drained out of everything my iman is drained, my creativity is drained, my behavior is getting worse and worse and you know what I always say "just until these stupid GCSEs exams are over" ugh you know it just makes me not care how I act anymore I just don't care if I'm rude or upset since I know it will change after exams so it doesn't matter if I feel empty or just not doing enough for my Deen (Islam) as I want to yes I do still pray all my daily prayers but I don't do anything else but that and honestly I can't. And it's like everyone else is acing every exam while i feel like I'm not acing any and each exam is always just ok or alright or not at all.
Idk what grades you're aiming to achieve but just know that its completely normal to feel this way. I'm doing A-levels rn and they affect my chances of going to uni but i haven't done 50% of revision. Everyone says "oh just think about once these are over" but it doesn't affect motivation whatsoever because your still suffering and living in the moment.
Take some time to work on your mental health - do less revision as im sure you've been working hard. Is there anything in particular you need help with?

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