The Student Room Group

CIE spanish igcse

In the writing exam of spanish CIE igcse, the last writing task asked me to writing in the form of an email, but I didn't see it, so I just answered all of the bullet point without write in the form of an email.
Does that matter?
Will the examiner take any mark off because of that.
Reply 1
I mean I do AQA French, but to be honest, by just answering the bullet points I guess that could be seen as "e-mail format" because e-mails really are just a bunch of paragraphs. They probably won't take off any marks at all, unless you had to address it to someone and sign off like "see you soon" or "thanks for reading" or something like that, but to be honest as long as your response had good content then you will be absolutely fine 🙂

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