The Student Room Group

Y12 Mocks

My mocks are in around 30 days and I'm very worried as I think my predicted grades are around ACC and I need around AAA to apply to good law universities. Can anyone give me revision tips for these subjects:
AQA Sociology
OCR Psychology
Edexcel Snab Biology
It would be extremely helpful if anyone else do the same subjects and have tips on how ace the mocks for any of them.
Reply 1
Apply and prove them wrong!
Reply 2
Original post by _Blessing_
My mocks are in around 30 days and I'm very worried as I think my predicted grades are around ACC and I need around AAA to apply to good law universities. Can anyone give me revision tips for these subjects:
AQA Sociology
OCR Psychology
Edexcel Snab Biology
It would be extremely helpful if anyone else do the same subjects and have tips on how ace the mocks for any of them.
I didn't take any of these subjects, but the idea of revision is always the same. Revision (at least I find) is very subject dependent and 30 days is still a long time. I'd recommend messing around with a few different methods (flashcards, answering PPQs, reviewing notes, etc...) to see which one 'fits' your preference for each subject.

At the end of the day, predicted grades are usually open for suggestion, and you can freely apply anywhere you want to within reason.
Original post by _Blessing_
My mocks are in around 30 days and I'm very worried as I think my predicted grades are around ACC and I need around AAA to apply to good law universities. Can anyone give me revision tips for these subjects:
AQA Sociology
OCR Psychology
Edexcel Snab Biology
It would be extremely helpful if anyone else do the same subjects and have tips on how ace the mocks for any of them.

for sociology, make flashcards to remember key sociologists (and usually you can apply one to multiple things e.g. ball and ethnocentric curriculum can work for ethnicity as well as globalisation and labelling), and i cannot stress this enough, do past papers. once you get a structure you know you can rely on i find the whole subject just becomes 10x easier. if you want help with anything specific with sociology though dm me because i can probs help xx
Reply 4
Original post by _Blessing_
My mocks are in around 30 days and I'm very worried as I think my predicted grades are around ACC and I need around AAA to apply to good law universities. Can anyone give me revision tips for these subjects:
AQA Sociology
OCR Psychology
Edexcel Snab Biology
It would be extremely helpful if anyone else do the same subjects and have tips on how ace the mocks for any of them.

I've found Seneca very good for AQA Sociology, and use flashcards on AnkiWeb to help with memorising theorists. Worked well for me!
Original post by _Blessing_
My mocks are in around 30 days and I'm very worried as I think my predicted grades are around ACC and I need around AAA to apply to good law universities. Can anyone give me revision tips for these subjects:
AQA Sociology
OCR Psychology
Edexcel Snab Biology
It would be extremely helpful if anyone else do the same subjects and have tips on how ace the mocks for any of them.

you can practice mock exams on tilf! The website give a mark and feedback on AQA socio and OCR psycho! based on the real mark scheme so it's like doing lots of mocks but at home!
Reply 6
For biology I do as many past papers as possible!

Make flashcards on any questions you get wrong.
Usually you'll be able to identify a trend of topics that you get consistently wrong or don't know the answer to.
Go and revise these topics (I use save my exams, make incredibly concise notes meaning don't copy every little thing down) and then make questions based on the notes you made and make flashcards from those. If you don't understand the topic at all then I love to use freesciencelessons.

Then once you've reviewed, do questions based on that topic to see that you've actually understood.

Then keep doing the flashcards and the papers until you reach the exam.

If you hate flashcards then sorry 😭

Good luck!
Reply 7
Original post by _Blessing_
My mocks are in around 30 days and I'm very worried as I think my predicted grades are around ACC and I need around AAA to apply to good law universities. Can anyone give me revision tips for these subjects:
AQA Sociology
OCR Psychology
Edexcel Snab Biology
It would be extremely helpful if anyone else do the same subjects and have tips on how ace the mocks for any of them.

I’m selling my AQA a level sociology notes if anyone would like them- i’ve done plans for nearly every question back to 2017 and posters for everything. In paper 2 i do families and beliefs.I’m just about to finish my exams so i don’t yet know what grade they will get me but I’m predicted an A*.
Reply 8
Original post by bailey__24
I’m selling my AQA a level sociology notes if anyone would like them- i’ve done plans for nearly every question back to 2017 and posters for everything. In paper 2 i do families and beliefs.I’m just about to finish my exams so i don’t yet know what grade they will get me but I’m predicted an A*.

Yes please! That would be amazing cause I suck at making posters or revision cards for sociology despite it being such a great way to revise for it

Should I pm you my email? Or can u share it here?
Thanks again ur such a life saver, my mocks are coming up way too fast for my liking.
Reply 9
Original post by _Blessing_
Yes please! That would be amazing cause I suck at making posters or revision cards for sociology despite it being such a great way to revise for it
Should I pm you my email? Or can u share it here?
Thanks again ur such a life saver, my mocks are coming up way too fast for my liking.
No worries, send me your email and I will message you with details!
In most cases as long as your application is good enough they'll offer you a place. In most cases say theoretically you got ACC in your mocks your ucas grades are upped so it could be A*BB. But if your worried just smash your mocks do past papers and don't put too much pressure on yourself as you're only year 12

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