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What do I do?

I’m worried about my GCSEs, I’ve done some exams and I feel like I could’ve done better given some circumstances (panic attacks) as well as this I was supposed to get extra time but asked too late so I kind of had to rush the essay based exams (I have hyperhydrosis), I’m really nervous as I need top grades for sixth form, any advice?
Reply 1
Original post by waj01
I’m worried about my GCSEs, I’ve done some exams and I feel like I could’ve done better given some circumstances (panic attacks) as well as this I was supposed to get extra time but asked too late so I kind of had to rush the essay based exams (I have hyperhydrosis), I’m really nervous as I need top grades for sixth form, any advice?

ive been stressed about that too, finding it hard to get a few exams out of my head. that sucks - is there no way to apply for extra time now? ☹️ did you have extra time during mocks? i think around a 6 or a 7 is needed to get into my school's sixth form - is yours higher? gcses are stressful, but is there anything that triggers the attacks so that there's some way to be calm before the exam so that they go better? sorry for all the questions, hope your exams go well and putting mental health before grades is always good in my experience <3
can the school smh appeal or talk to the exam board about this? either way for your remaining exams try and do practice papers under timed conditions, use past papers - these are invaluable. also do practice questions as much as possible - make sure you go under content and try to understand the recommended time management for each question if you're doing essay subjects. Also - what subjects do you do? i may be able to send resources if you'd like
Reply 3
Original post by ChocolattePieces
ive been stressed about that too, finding it hard to get a few exams out of my head. that sucks - is there no way to apply for extra time now? ☹️ did you have extra time during mocks? i think around a 6 or a 7 is needed to get into my school's sixth form - is yours higher? gcses are stressful, but is there anything that triggers the attacks so that there's some way to be calm before the exam so that they go better? sorry for all the questions, hope your exams go well and putting mental health before grades is always good in my experience <3

My condition has been something I’ve been trying to hide as it makes me feel very self conscious, so for the mocks I decided to just see how it goes but it was dreadful, I had so many panic attacks and felt like people were watching me continuously wipe my hands. For maths especially it was horrible I felt judged (even though no one was looking that closely) and dumb because I didn’t do that good. I only got 5s and 2 7s, most people who also want to do medicine got way better so it made me feel frustrated because I know I have the potential just things get in the way. So I asked now and they said it’s too late, however I do sit at the back now for exams and it’s quite helpful but I dont get extra time and still have panic attacks. I think I just feel frustrated because these things are destroying my potential and therefore leads to anxiety attacks and imposter syndrome sometimes too. We also need 6s and 7s for stuff however as I struggle with construction and maths in the little time I have, I’m scared i won’t get a 6 for the subjects I want to pursue
Reply 4
Original post by sonigreendress
can the school smh appeal or talk to the exam board about this? either way for your remaining exams try and do practice papers under timed conditions, use past papers - these are invaluable. also do practice questions as much as possible - make sure you go under content and try to understand the recommended time management for each question if you're doing essay subjects. Also - what subjects do you do? i may be able to send resources if you'd like
I do history, English literature and language, maths, french, art (this is totally unfair because it’s harder for me to produce art yet my teacher is still holding me to a grade 6 despite everyone believing otherwise) and then triple science. Thank you for helping but yes I will definitely ask my school to see if I can get special considerations to hopefully boost my marks even by a bit in those subjects. I just wish that they will listen!
Original post by waj01
I do history, English literature and language, maths, french, art (this is totally unfair because it’s harder for me to produce art yet my teacher is still holding me to a grade 6 despite everyone believing otherwise) and then triple science. Thank you for helping but yes I will definitely ask my school to see if I can get special considerations to hopefully boost my marks even by a bit in those subjects. I just wish that they will listen!

would you like to send me resources? dm me if you would like some - I do history, English lang/lit, maths and triple so I may be able to help

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