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OCR A-level Latin Paper 4 (H443/04) - 17th June 2024 [Exam Chat]

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OCR A-level Latin Paper 4 (H443/04) - 17th June 2024 [Exam Chat]

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.

Wishing you all the best of luck.

General Information
Date/Time: 17th June 2024/ PM
Length: 2hrs
(edited 8 months ago)

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Any predictions for the Aeneid 20 marker?
Original post by anniehallowell1
Any predictions for the Aeneid 20 marker?

Last year it was about fate, I think, so maybe a character question? I'd say plan for like Turnus and Aeneas and other than that just themes, and how they relate to them. So like fate, the role of the gods, 'heroism' (e.g are the actions of Aeneas and Turnus heroic?), maybe also duty/piety? They could also do something more vague like Virgil makes the narrative vivid and exciting for the roman reader HFDYA? The questions are usually quite open so that you can literally talk about more or less the whole text including the English bits anyway so so long as you know the text well you should be fine :smile:
Reply 3
does anyone know what sections were in the exam last year so are less likely to come up this year ?
Reply 4
Original post by sixthformstress
Last year it was about fate, I think, so maybe a character question? I'd say plan for like Turnus and Aeneas and other than that just themes, and how they relate to them. So like fate, the role of the gods, 'heroism' (e.g are the actions of Aeneas and Turnus heroic?), maybe also duty/piety? They could also do something more vague like Virgil makes the narrative vivid and exciting for the roman reader HFDYA? The questions are usually quite open so that you can literally talk about more or less the whole text including the English bits anyway so so long as you know the text well you should be fine :smile:

The 20 marker last year was on Turnus not fate
Original post by parmiss05
The 20 marker last year was on Turnus not fate

Oh yeah it was Turnus and then it was something about he was the most important part of the Aeneid XII but then loads of people argued it wasn't him and it was fate instead? I remember in the exemplar that I read fate was a big part of it which probably why I thought it was that
Reply 6
Original post by gravvy
does anyone know what sections were in the exam last year so are less likely to come up this year ?

I (believe) last year was lines 37-53, 713-727, 735-765, not 100% certain though.
Original post by sixthformstress
Oh yeah it was Turnus and then it was something about he was the most important part of the Aeneid XII but then loads of people argued it wasn't him and it was fate instead? I remember in the exemplar that I read fate was a big part of it which probably why I thought it was that

where did you find an exemplar, i can never find any!
Original post by NatashaBack
where did you find an exemplar, i can never find any!

my teacher went to a conference and they gave it to him there but he only has a paper copy so I'm not sure if it's online or not - sorry!
hey just wanted to clarify do you need to provide english translations for the latin quotes you use in your 15 and 20 markers, are you capped at a certain level if you do not?
Original post by flora and fauna
hey just wanted to clarify do you need to provide english translations for the latin quotes you use in your 15 and 20 markers, are you capped at a certain level if you do not?
yeah if you dont do english translations of them your in the mud
Original post by flora and fauna
hey just wanted to clarify do you need to provide english translations for the latin quotes you use in your 15 and 20 markers, are you capped at a certain level if you do not?

You can get full marks in the 20 markers without using any quotes - content is more important in the 20 markers than quotes are but if you want to include them and they're relevant it's not wrong. You definitely need to translate for the 15 markers though - or at least for the parts that you're talking about/analysing for example:

Catullus uses a metaphor in the phrase soles occidere et redire possunt on 'occidere' (die) to make the passage vivd.
(this is a made up example so don't use that in the actual exam ahah)

but at the bare minimum you would need to do something like that. It's not always necessary to translate everything and sometimes I do just pick out individual words (especially I'm talking about polyptoton/a tricolon) but generally it's best to pick a sentence you have a few points about translate it into English and then pick out individual phrases, words or techniques within it to comment on.
Original post by sixthformstress
You can get full marks in the 20 markers without using any quotes - content is more important in the 20 markers than quotes are but if you want to include them and they're relevant it's not wrong. You definitely need to translate for the 15 markers though - or at least for the parts that you're talking about/analysing for example:
Catullus uses a metaphor in the phrase soles occidere et redire possunt on 'occidere' (die) to make the passage vivd.
(this is a made up example so don't use that in the actual exam ahah)
but at the bare minimum you would need to do something like that. It's not always necessary to translate everything and sometimes I do just pick out individual words (especially I'm talking about polyptoton/a tricolon) but generally it's best to pick a sentence you have a few points about translate it into English and then pick out individual phrases, words or techniques within it to comment on.
i'm cooked.
i picked out and analysed specific words but didn't do eng translations so i guess that means i didn't do as well as i would've liked on prose lit... so does that means i'll have like 0/30 marks across those 15 markers because..💀
thanks for explaining i'll def do that tomorrow
(edited 8 months ago)
any catullus 15 marker predictions
does anyone know if they ever set the very first / last sections????? running out of time for aeneid and debating whether i can just give up on some and save myself some time 😭
Reply 15
Original post by ruisquared
does anyone know if they ever set the very first / last sections????? running out of time for aeneid and debating whether i can just give up on some and save myself some time 😭

i mean these set texts have only been used once before
and they used the second to last section of livy in the prose 15 marker
so its completely possible it comes up (sorry it that's not what u wanted to hear tho)
Original post by dragon252
i mean these set texts have only been used once before
and they used the second to last section of livy in the prose 15 marker
so its completely possible it comes up (sorry it that's not what u wanted to hear tho)

ah thanks, its ok haha i figured id have to learn them anyway
going to pray that they pick the sections i didnt have to cram over this weekend though still 😭
how did everyone find it!
Reply 18
Original post by amysmithy777
how did everyone find it!
I thought it was really good (Aeneid both sections)

15 markers both had lots of style point, and the short questions were straight forward if you had the translation memorised

The 20 marker was pretty broad so lots to talk about and I essentially summed up why misery and death was more central to the book that other themes (relationships/ fate and the gods etc) with lots of references to the English, and I mentioned that death played the role of making the Aeneid an anti-war sentiment due to the civil war going on while it was being written
(edited 8 months ago)
Original post by 17mpearce
I thought it was really good (Aeneid both sections)
15 markers both had lots of style point, and the short questions were straight forward if you had the translation memorised
The 20 marker was pretty broad so lots to talk about and I essentially summed up why misery and death was more central to the book that other themes (relationships/ fate and the gods etc) with lots of references to the English, and I mentioned that death played the role of making the Aeneid an anti-war sentiment due to the civil war going on while it was being written
I think it’s a bit reductive to label it as an anti-war work, given the ‘Pax Romana’ and the Augustan golden age ensuing, but alas, that will probs work

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