The Student Room Group

I want love. Why is it so difficult for me to have it?

I am 27 and have never dated. All my friends have dated at least once and most have stable partners. I want someone to love me. I want a shoulder when I am sad. I want someone to hug or kiss me when I am sad as well. These are all not possible. I often have to cry alone in my bedroom. Why?

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It's the way it goes for some people. It's no reflection on you, just bad luck. You can pm me because I have experience and would like to talk. Maybe we can help each other.
(edited 8 months ago)
It isn't clear whether you are M or F.
If you are F it is about dressing attractively and waiting for a guy you like the look of to show interest and when he does making it easy for him to approach you. That is where girls who stay single fail. They make it too difficult for guys to hit on them because they aren't easy to talk to i.e. they aren't relaxed and easy going enough around guys.
Reply 3
Because it doesn’t exist trust me you don’t want love it only leads to a broken heart that can’t be fixed
Original post by Smart282
Because it doesn’t exist trust me you don’t want love it only leads to a broken heart that can’t be fixed

Bull. It does exist it's just there are soo many fake insincere defensive people about.
Reply 5
Original post by SaucissonSecCy
Bull. It does exist it's just there are soo many fake insincere defensive people about.

lol idk I just don’t believe in love anymore ever since he broke my heart
Original post by Smart282
lol idk I just don’t believe in love anymore ever since he broke my heart

I'm totally cynical as well but for different reasons
Reply 7
Original post by SaucissonSecCy
Bull. It does exist it's just there are soo many fake insincere defensive people about.

Reply 8
you aren’t at peace with yourself g. work on urself first
Original post by Anonymous

Yeah it definitely exists.
Reply 10
Original post by Smart282
lol idk I just don’t believe in love anymore ever since he broke my heart

thats such bull, love is eveyrwhere we can see it sm. I'n sorry about your experience but dont let one stop you from fidning someone u deserve
Reply 11
Original post by Anonymous
I am 27 and have never dated. All my friends have dated at least once and most have stable partners. I want someone to love me. I want a shoulder when I am sad. I want someone to hug or kiss me when I am sad as well. These are all not possible. I often have to cry alone in my bedroom. Why?

perhaps dating sites can help, or double dates with some of your friends, the best thing is to put yourself out there, and do not stress. the right one will come with time, you;ll get what you deserve
Original post by aanaya
perhaps dating sites can help, or double dates with some of your friends, the best thing is to put yourself out there, and do not stress. the right one will come with time, you;ll get what you deserve

Hell no not dating apps
Reply 13
Original post by aanaya
perhaps dating sites can help, or double dates with some of your friends, the best thing is to put yourself out there, and do not stress. the right one will come with time, you;ll get what you deserve

Currently using Bumble
Just wait until you find the person for you. They're out there somewhere. : )
Original post by BraeLynnT
Just wait until you find the person for you. They're out there somewhere. : )

Easier said than done.
Reply 16
Original post by BraeLynnT
Just wait until you find the person for you. They're out there somewhere. : )

Original post by SaucissonSecCy
Easier said than done.

ik but u just gotta have a LOT of patience
Original post by Anonymous

they are and youll find them eventually : |)
Original post by Anonymous
I am 27 and have never dated. All my friends have dated at least once and most have stable partners. I want someone to love me. I want a shoulder when I am sad. I want someone to hug or kiss me when I am sad as well. These are all not possible. I often have to cry alone in my bedroom. Why?

My bro U gotta fix up Ur coookeddd

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