The Student Room Group

‘The Gate’ at Sheffield Hallam?

Hiya there,

I’ve applied to Sheffield Hallam uni in September with accommodation at The Gate. Just here to ask whether this accommodation is nice/ any advice you have whilst living there? Thank you!
Original post by fayebarnard06
Hiya there,
I’ve applied to Sheffield Hallam uni in September with accommodation at The Gate. Just here to ask whether this accommodation is nice/ any advice you have whilst living there? Thank you!


The Gate is available to tour if you'd like to check out the accommodation. You can contact [email protected].to request a tour for specific venues. As the venues are staffed they can be flexible with tour times.

We offer campus and accommodation tours every other week, which you can book on here: Campus and Accommodation tours | Sheffield Hallam University ( However the accommodation choice on our Wednesday tours varies between weeks. So if you specially want to see The Gate, I would recommend booking it with the accommodation team.

Hope that helps :smile:

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