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Sorry you've not had any responses about this. :frown: Are you sure you've posted in the right place? :smile: Here's a link to our subject forum which should help get you more responses if you post there. :redface:
Reply 2
yeah why is there no official exam chat 😢
Reply 3
Original post by pqpqow
Anyone is doing Edexcel chem?

Yes! It’s really annoying there’s no exam hub for us😔
Reply 4
is this the official chat
Reply 5
Hello! Did anyone think the 2022 past paper 1 seemed like a curveball? I don't think fuel cells and some other types of questions had cropped up in any previous papers.

I didn't do the 2023 paper as I didn't do mock exams (I'm a private candidate) but if someone did, do you remember at all if it was similar to the 2022 paper or more like the previous ones?
Reply 6
Original post by C_T_G
Hello! Did anyone think the 2022 past paper 1 seemed like a curveball? I don't think fuel cells and some other types of questions had cropped up in any previous papers.
I didn't do the 2023 paper as I didn't do mock exams (I'm a private candidate) but if someone did, do you remember at all if it was similar to the 2022 paper or more like the previous ones?

2023 paper 1 had a lot of energetics, bonding, redox 2, and transition metals, there were two 4 markers do to with E cell values
It is time
Reply 8
Any predictions
Reply 9
Original post by maxchri
2023 paper 1 had a lot of energetics, bonding, redox 2, and transition metals, there were two 4 markers do to with E cell values

Thanks for that. I'll try to brush up on those before the big day! How are you feeling about it?
Reply 10
Original post by C_T_G
Thanks for that. I'll try to brush up on those before the big day! How are you feeling about it?

mixed feelings, overall quite confident in the content but i think i prefer paper 2 bc its organic heavy, how are yous feeling about it
Reply 11
We the only people here doing the exam ig. I'm a private candidate gl everyone
Reply 12
what’s the best way to revise for this paper bc i’m positively COOKED
Reply 13
Original post by ababalab
what’s the best way to revise for this paper bc i’m positively COOKED

last minute past papers, i’d definitely focus on what you’re least confident on or just the more tricky topics like practice Ka, Kp, Kc, entropy and redox calculations, and learn some last minute definitions like enthalpy of formation and stuff like that as definitions come up every year
Reply 14
Does anybody know how much we're allowed to use a pencil? For graphs obviously, but do we have to use a pen for dot and cross diagrams and for mechanisms in paper 2&3?
Reply 15
Original post by maxchri
mixed feelings, overall quite confident in the content but i think i prefer paper 2 bc its organic heavy, how are yous feeling about it

I was motivated yesterday but today I just feel burnt out! I hope I'll be more productive as the day wears on
Original post by C_T_G
Does anybody know how much we're allowed to use a pencil? For graphs obviously, but do we have to use a pen for dot and cross diagrams and for mechanisms in paper 2&3?

i believe they are technically allowed for graphs and diagrams, but to be honest i play it safe and go with a pen
Reply 17
Original post by C_T_G
Hello! Did anyone think the 2022 past paper 1 seemed like a curveball? I don't think fuel cells and some other types of questions had cropped up in any previous papers.
I didn't do the 2023 paper as I didn't do mock exams (I'm a private candidate) but if someone did, do you remember at all if it was similar to the 2022 paper or more like the previous ones?
Fuel cells is definitely part of the spec, including acid and alkaline, how to write equations for it etc, so it’s probably good to brush up on it. Anything that’s part of the spec could come, I don’t think chemistry exam has much ‘creativity’, you either know it or you don’t.
Reply 18
Is Edexcel chemistry not that popular?
Reply 19
Original post by C_T_G
Does anybody know how much we're allowed to use a pencil? For graphs obviously, but do we have to use a pen for dot and cross diagrams and for mechanisms in paper 2&3?
You can always sketch in pencil then copy you final answer in pen.