Hi, so I have offers from warwick, durham, bath and York for maths (MMath), entry for this year so I need to decide in the next 6 days which to firm and insure. I think im going to insure Bath (offer A*ABB) but i cant decide whether or not to firm Warwick or Durham, they both have the exact same offer of A*A*A, (my Warwick offer is contextual so I do not need STEP) and I know that warwick has a more highly regarded course, but module look quite similar. I feel like warwick may not be as social/fun and the people going there might be quite intense, but obviously that's probably based off stereotypes, and that it might be quite limited as its a campus in the middle of nowhere. I do also know that its quite near to birmingham, and london and its quite easy to do trips to theatre and rsc productions etc. which I'd quite like as i really enjoy that kind of thing. But Durham, has a less prestigious course, looking at websites like UniGuide, the course doesn't seem to be as well taught, however from what people say about it, the social life and college/non-campus aspect of it seems a lot better and also the city of durham is a lot prettier/aesthetic and it has much nicer accommodation (my preliminary college as John Snow). So I was wondering if anyone had any advice about their experiences with maths or just generally at either uni or advice about which factors are more important when choosing? Thanks