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Which uni for maths?

Hi, so I have offers from warwick, durham, bath and York for maths (MMath), entry for this year so I need to decide in the next 6 days which to firm and insure. I think im going to insure Bath (offer A*ABB) but i cant decide whether or not to firm Warwick or Durham, they both have the exact same offer of A*A*A, (my Warwick offer is contextual so I do not need STEP) and I know that warwick has a more highly regarded course, but module look quite similar. I feel like warwick may not be as social/fun and the people going there might be quite intense, but obviously that's probably based off stereotypes, and that it might be quite limited as its a campus in the middle of nowhere. I do also know that its quite near to birmingham, and london and its quite easy to do trips to theatre and rsc productions etc. which I'd quite like as i really enjoy that kind of thing. But Durham, has a less prestigious course, looking at websites like UniGuide, the course doesn't seem to be as well taught, however from what people say about it, the social life and college/non-campus aspect of it seems a lot better and also the city of durham is a lot prettier/aesthetic and it has much nicer accommodation (my preliminary college as John Snow). So I was wondering if anyone had any advice about their experiences with maths or just generally at either uni or advice about which factors are more important when choosing? Thanks

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Reply 1
Original post by Random11_206
Hi, so I have offers from warwick, durham, bath and York for maths (MMath), entry for this year so I need to decide in the next 6 days which to firm and insure. I think im going to insure Bath (offer A*ABB) but i cant decide whether or not to firm Warwick or Durham, they both have the exact same offer of A*A*A, (my Warwick offer is contextual so I do not need STEP) and I know that warwick has a more highly regarded course, but module look quite similar. I feel like warwick may not be as social/fun and the people going there might be quite intense, but obviously that's probably based off stereotypes, and that it might be quite limited as its a campus in the middle of nowhere. I do also know that its quite near to birmingham, and london and its quite easy to do trips to theatre and rsc productions etc. which I'd quite like as i really enjoy that kind of thing. But Durham, has a less prestigious course, looking at websites like UniGuide, the course doesn't seem to be as well taught, however from what people say about it, the social life and college/non-campus aspect of it seems a lot better and also the city of durham is a lot prettier/aesthetic and it has much nicer accommodation (my preliminary college as John Snow). So I was wondering if anyone had any advice about their experiences with maths or just generally at either uni or advice about which factors are more important when choosing? Thanks

I'd firm Bath - good course and a nice place.

Warwick - very marmite location -

Durham - not for Maths
Reply 2
Original post by Muttley79
I'd firm Bath - good course and a nice place.
Warwick - very marmite location -
Durham - not for Maths

Interesting, thanks. My only concern about Bath is just that, like the city is beautiful, but the campus is quite separated from the city and from what i remember (in all fairness i did only briefly visit it) the campus is really small and quite enclosed - more so than warwick, and it has quite a sporty reputation which isn't massively my scene lol, and its also really expensive.
Reply 3
Original post by Random11_206
Interesting, thanks. My only concern about Bath is just that, like the city is beautiful, but the campus is quite separated from the city and from what i remember (in all fairness i did only briefly visit it) the campus is really small and quite enclosed - more so than warwick, and it has quite a sporty reputation which isn't massively my scene lol, and its also really expensive.

Warwick is somewhat remote - almost in a field! You have to live well away from campus.

I wouldn't worry about Bath and sport - some of my students have never seen much influence.
Reply 4
Original post by Muttley79
I'd firm Bath - good course and a nice place.
Warwick - very marmite location -
Durham - not for Maths

Why the dislike of Durham for Maths?
Reply 5
Original post by zetamcfc
Why the dislike of Durham for Maths?

It's not very good - more arts focused these days.
Reply 6
Original post by Muttley79
It's not very good - more arts focused these days.

The Maths department is art focused?
Reply 7
Warwick its a no-brainer really
Reply 8
Original post by zetamcfc
The Maths department is art focused?

No the uni has put its money into the arts and humanities.
Reply 9
Original post by yzven
Warwick its a no-brainer really

You want to live in Coventry?! It's not a great location.
Reply 10
Original post by Random11_206
Hi, so I have offers from warwick, durham, bath and York for maths (MMath), entry for this year so I need to decide in the next 6 days which to firm and insure. I think im going to insure Bath (offer A*ABB) but i cant decide whether or not to firm Warwick or Durham, they both have the exact same offer of A*A*A, (my Warwick offer is contextual so I do not need STEP) and I know that warwick has a more highly regarded course, but module look quite similar. I feel like warwick may not be as social/fun and the people going there might be quite intense, but obviously that's probably based off stereotypes, and that it might be quite limited as its a campus in the middle of nowhere. I do also know that its quite near to birmingham, and london and its quite easy to do trips to theatre and rsc productions etc. which I'd quite like as i really enjoy that kind of thing. But Durham, has a less prestigious course, looking at websites like UniGuide, the course doesn't seem to be as well taught, however from what people say about it, the social life and college/non-campus aspect of it seems a lot better and also the city of durham is a lot prettier/aesthetic and it has much nicer accommodation (my preliminary college as John Snow). So I was wondering if anyone had any advice about their experiences with maths or just generally at either uni or advice about which factors are more important when choosing? Thanks
you should pick Warwick based on the course. I don’t rlly see anything too great about bath for maths and in general. Warwick is great for the course and is a better target uni than bath. I’ve also gotten the same offer from both and although I didn’t pick either I was always stuck between my firm and warwick. Honestly I wouldn’t give a thought to Durham since it’s not better than bath so it would be a waste to firm something worse than ur insurance.
(edited 8 months ago)
Reply 11
Original post by Muttley79
You want to live in Coventry?! It's not a great location.
I think location becomes irrelevant given the quality of Warwick's maths course and job prospects which is only just below oxbrimp
Personally I don't understand why you would reject this great opportunity because of location
Original post by yzven
I think location becomes irrelevant given the quality of Warwick's maths course and job prospects which is only just below oxbrimp
Personally I don't understand why you would reject this great opportunity because of location

Bath is a better course these days - if you are unhappy with where you are living it affects your studies.
Original post by Irjsjsj
you should pick Warwick based on the course. I don’t rlly see anything too great about bath for maths and in general. Warwick is great for the course and is a better target uni than bath. I’ve also gotten the same offer from both and although I didn’t pick either I was always stuck between my firm and warwick. Honestly I wouldn’t give a thought to Durham since it’s not better than bath so it would be a waste to firm something worse than ur insurance.

Bath is great for Maths these days - Warwick has declined in recent years so I am told by ex students studying there.
Reply 14
Original post by Muttley79
Bath is great for Maths these days - Warwick has declined in recent years so I am told by ex students studying there.

Bath is alright but I don’t c any reason to pick it over Warwick except from the location. The general rankings are basically the same and Warwick is known for its math courses also the maths ranking do show that instead bath has declined
And from my experience among peers in my skl I don’t c any1 in my fm classes choosing bath over Warwick for courses like maths instead most of them don’t even take the bath offer into consideration
Original post by Irjsjsj
Bath is alright but I don’t c any reason to pick it over Warwick except from the location. The general rankings are basically the same and Warwick is known for its math courses also the maths ranking do show that instead bath has declined
And from my experience among peers in my skl I don’t c any1 in my fm classes choosing bath over Warwick for courses like maths instead most of them don’t even take the bath offer into consideration

I teach Maths and no-one is choosing Warwick over Bath now.
Reply 16
Original post by Muttley79
I teach Maths and no-one is choosing Warwick over Bath now.

Wdym no one is choosing Warwick over baths? Literally for maths every1 is. I can tell u have some sort of bias towards bath but no one who is picking a math related course is picking bath over warwick. There are many ppl who don’t even give Bath a consideration when they have Warwick and I’ve seen this for maths and stats, maths , finance. Warwick isn’t the an all rounder for every course but for these courses Warwick is way better also including the fact it’s a target uni where as bath isn’t
(edited 8 months ago)
Reply 17
Firm Warwick and insure Bath. Warwick is better than Bath in terms of the course it self which does matter the most and is also a better known uni for math related courses which will likely be more beneficial in the future.
Original post by Irjsjsj
Wdym no one is choosing Warwick over baths? Literally for maths every1 is. I can tell u have some sort of bias towards bath but no one who is picking a math related course is picking bath over warwick. There are many ppl who don’t even give Bath a consideration when they have Warwick and I’ve seen this for maths and stats, maths , finance. Warwick isn’t the an all rounder for every course but for these courses Warwick is way better also including the fact it’s a target uni where as bath isn’t

Target for what?! Not everyone wants IB some people actually want to learn Maths and be taught well. Students at Warwick say it's going downhill. Believe what you like - my students know what they are doing.
Original post by zangryan
Firm Warwick and insure Bath. Warwick is better than Bath in terms of the course it self which does matter the most and is also a better known uni for math related courses which will likely be more beneficial in the future.

Nope - it's going downhill fast.

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