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Educational debate on religion

I wanna start a debate on religion. Just out of curiosity. Because it helps me get to know other religions more, when everyone is going to chip in, with their own thoughts. And how people respond.

Firstly Hinduism- like seriously it hasn’t convinced me once that there is some truth to it. Even their “evidence” doesn’t seem convincing or strong enough. For example in Islam when things are predicted like 1400 years ago, that seems like somewhat admirable or some credibility.

Christianity- ofc it makes sense on some aspects, but again this whole son, god structure it’s not convincing enough. Why god needs to come on earth and die for our sins, when he is the one who created humans, bad and evil. Free will etc, and showing god die, wouldn’t that question his power. When he is supposed to be at least better or bigger than a normal human being. If god son can die and human can die, especially god (son) is being killed by a human, that puts the humans above on the power scale.

Lastly Islam- I’m Muslim. So I’m open to your guys claims or debunking it. Or questions you guys have.

I genuinely just want to have open knowledge about all religions and their thinking behind or how it works that people find some truth in it. For me ofc Islam is true religion, but for someone else might be Christianity, so I’m curious what is if, about Christianity that provides some kind of truth to the person, or does it make a person believe in it. Like Hinduism drinking cow **** etc, how does that make a person believe in this type of things. Don’t you question? And how does that religion satisfy with an answer?
Original post by ToGodly
I wanna start a debate on religion. Just out of curiosity. Because it helps me get to know other religions more, when everyone is going to chip in, with their own thoughts. And how people respond.
Firstly Hinduism- like seriously it hasn’t convinced me once that there is some truth to it. Even their “evidence” doesn’t seem convincing or strong enough. For example in Islam when things are predicted like 1400 years ago, that seems like somewhat admirable or some credibility.
Christianity- ofc it makes sense on some aspects, but again this whole son, god structure it’s not convincing enough. Why god needs to come on earth and die for our sins, when he is the one who created humans, bad and evil. Free will etc, and showing god die, wouldn’t that question his power. When he is supposed to be at least better or bigger than a normal human being. If god son can die and human can die, especially god (son) is being killed by a human, that puts the humans above on the power scale.
Lastly Islam- I’m Muslim. So I’m open to your guys claims or debunking it. Or questions you guys have.
I genuinely just want to have open knowledge about all religions and their thinking behind or how it works that people find some truth in it. For me ofc Islam is true religion, but for someone else might be Christianity, so I’m curious what is if, about Christianity that provides some kind of truth to the person, or does it make a person believe in it. Like Hinduism drinking cow **** etc, how does that make a person believe in this type of things. Don’t you question? And how does that religion satisfy with an answer?

As far as I’m aware Hinduism the oldest religion yet what I want to know is religion like Sikhism and Buddhism how do they differ especially from the rest.
Reply 2
Original post by ToGodly
I wanna start a debate on religion. Just out of curiosity. Because it helps me get to know other religions more, when everyone is going to chip in, with their own thoughts. And how people respond.
Firstly Hinduism- like seriously it hasn’t convinced me once that there is some truth to it. Even their “evidence” doesn’t seem convincing or strong enough. For example in Islam when things are predicted like 1400 years ago, that seems like somewhat admirable or some credibility.
Christianity- ofc it makes sense on some aspects, but again this whole son, god structure it’s not convincing enough. Why god needs to come on earth and die for our sins, when he is the one who created humans, bad and evil. Free will etc, and showing god die, wouldn’t that question his power. When he is supposed to be at least better or bigger than a normal human being. If god son can die and human can die, especially god (son) is being killed by a human, that puts the humans above on the power scale.
Lastly Islam- I’m Muslim. So I’m open to your guys claims or debunking it. Or questions you guys have.
I genuinely just want to have open knowledge about all religions and their thinking behind or how it works that people find some truth in it. For me ofc Islam is true religion, but for someone else might be Christianity, so I’m curious what is if, about Christianity that provides some kind of truth to the person, or does it make a person believe in it. Like Hinduism drinking cow **** etc, how does that make a person believe in this type of things. Don’t you question? And how does that religion satisfy with an answer?

I'm Christian. Jesus came to earth to die our death. He wasn't deserving of death, and if truth if He didn't go to the cross, He would have never died as a man. Jesus had full right to the Tree of Life. The fact that He died is proof He took our sins onto Himself. However, death couldn't hold Him. In the end He made a mockery of death, and was raised to life again, in full glory! He has conquered death and the grave, and through Him, we too will make a mockery of death.

Many religious beliefs have a sacrificial system, even Islam during a certain part of the year offer animal sacrifices. The thing is, what can we offer God, to make appeasement? God owns everything. Christianity however is the only belief (that I know of) where God Himself provides a sacrifice on humanity's behalf. He would know what is sufficient to stay His just wrath, and He gave us His best. The blood of His own Son. It didn't just cover our sins, but it took away our sins, transforming us inside out.

So what is sin according to Christianity? Sin is being off the mark from how God originally created us. When we rebelled against God's command, our nature became corrupt. We can't return to how things were before hand, but God has the power to do so. So through trusting Him and His way of salvation, we are made perfect in His sight.

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