The Student Room Group

Midwifery - Edinburgh Napier. Question

Edinburgh Napier Midwifery...I want to ask anyone with experience of placements. Is it random where you are assigned or do they take into consideration if you have children etc and travel time from home? Also how often are the placements and how long? Thanks for any insight.
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Original post by Lornabran
Edinburgh Napier Midwifery...I want to ask anyone with experience of placements. Is it random where you are assigned or do they take into consideration if you have children etc and travel time from home? Also how often are the placements and how long? Thanks for any insight.

Hi Lorna

Midwife experience within NHS Lothian ( which Napier is under) is fantastic...( It was when I was a student as don't know how they are doing those days).

Napier has Edinburgh royal infirmary ( Simpsons maternity unit and St John's at Livingston) as there two main maternity hospitals and then you'll have community placements. They tend to send students to a placement out with NHS Lothian health board as well - borders general hospital in Melrose is one and can't remember where else that they might send you to.

They will try to take in consideration with those with children but they are not obliged to do it so be prepared to travel to wherever they send you as childcare is your responsibility. You normally have a maximum of about hour and half traveling distance to placements depending on where you are coming from. Parking could be a issue with those with cars but should be fine when starting a early shift as carpark will be almost empty, Nightshift parking should be okay hopefully as the outpatient departments will be finished time you starting.

You need to take in consideration of having enough time to allow yourself to change out of your normal clothing into your nursing uniform at the beginning of the shift and also at the end of your shift as not allowed to travel to and from placements in your uniform.
You will work on 3 various days over the 7 days of the week with having 4 days off - you'll be rota to work dayshift, Nightshift and weekend working.

Placements were around 7 weeks blocks at a time and 7 weeks blocks of university studying - this could have changed due to COVID.

You are not allowed any holidays outside of term time ( early September to end of the following august) , you will get Chris and New year of, few weeks at Easter time, around ten days at the end of the academic year at end of August prior to starting the new academic year in the September. Plus any other time that the university has penned in for students.

I done my midwife degree at Edinburgh Napier and qualified in summer 2019, I only worked with NHS Lothian for just over a year before I went home to my own city of Glasgow.

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