The Student Room Group

when should i start looking for part-time jobs for university and is it easy to get?

hiya ! so im depending on part time work for my main source of financial support in uni for food ect as my maintenance loan already sets me into negative figures with the cost of my accom. i wanna get a job @ the uni (firmed leeds, insured southampton) bc then they'll be more flexible during exam times - so i wanna work around 8-12 hours a week as i think this should be a sufficient amount of money. do i need to apply to jobs before i move into the city or do i just do that in freshers week? and is it easy to get a job at the uni itself? i dont want to end up spending all my money on transport to travel to the city to work!! thank you !
Reply 1
Original post by emelianiloufar
hiya ! so im depending on part time work for my main source of financial support in uni for food ect as my maintenance loan already sets me into negative figures with the cost of my accom. i wanna get a job @ the uni (firmed leeds, insured southampton) bc then they'll be more flexible during exam times - so i wanna work around 8-12 hours a week as i think this should be a sufficient amount of money. do i need to apply to jobs before i move into the city or do i just do that in freshers week? and is it easy to get a job at the uni itself? i dont want to end up spending all my money on transport to travel to the city to work!! thank you !

i want to find this out too!
Original post by hahaaddie
i want to find this out too!

im worried that when i get there all the university based jobs will be gone !!
Original post by emelianiloufar
hiya ! so im depending on part time work for my main source of financial support in uni for food ect as my maintenance loan already sets me into negative figures with the cost of my accom. i wanna get a job @ the uni (firmed leeds, insured southampton) bc then they'll be more flexible during exam times - so i wanna work around 8-12 hours a week as i think this should be a sufficient amount of money. do i need to apply to jobs before i move into the city or do i just do that in freshers week? and is it easy to get a job at the uni itself? i dont want to end up spending all my money on transport to travel to the city to work!! thank you !

Hi @emelianiloufar !

At the University of Southampton there are plenty of job opportunities! The student union (SUSU) is always looking for students to help run the various bars, cafes and restaurants on the main campus, Highfield, as well as catered halls.

I am not sure I can tell you when is best to apply however if you check out this website: Work With Us - SUSU jobs will be posted as soon as they become available.

I myself am a student ambassador, I highly recommend this job and shifts are flexible in the fact that you can choose which shifts you would or would not like to do. There is often an email that is sent out looking for ambassadors at the start and throughout the year and it is very easy to apply to. If you would like more information about becoming a student ambassador for the University you can send them to this address: [email protected]

Other than this there are plenty of shops, supermarkets and more within Southampton that will be looking to people to work especially in term time and in this case I would apply before coming to the Uni.

And in terms of travel, Southampton is very easy to travel through due to the great bus service (UniLink) which runs very frequently all through the city. You can get an annual pass or term time passes which I recommend if you will be travelling a lot. However, Southampton is very walkable and there will likely be job opportunities a walkable distance from your accommodation if you don't want to buy a bus pass.

I hope this helps! :smile:

Kim (Student rep)
Reply 4
Original post by emelianiloufar
hiya ! so im depending on part time work for my main source of financial support in uni for food ect as my maintenance loan already sets me into negative figures with the cost of my accom. i wanna get a job @ the uni (firmed leeds, insured southampton) bc then they'll be more flexible during exam times - so i wanna work around 8-12 hours a week as i think this should be a sufficient amount of money. do i need to apply to jobs before i move into the city or do i just do that in freshers week? and is it easy to get a job at the uni itself? i dont want to end up spending all my money on transport to travel to the city to work!! thank you !

when applying to jobs you should tell them when you'd be able to start (whatever time you're planning on moving out to the uni). I think it's better to start looking earlier as it can be difficult to find part time jobs. Maybe start looking mid august time as long as you tell them that you wouldn't be able to start until you move out there

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