The Student Room Group

STEP in few days, any suggestion?

STEP is going to be hold in merely few days! I have to admit that, although I usually get a S in my mock examinations, using past paper from 2018 to 2022, I still cannot help feeling nervous. Can anyone get me some suggestions about my STEP, ranging from what I should eat before the examination to what I should do when taking STEP? THANKS A LOT!
For exam day, the only advice I would give would be to not make yourself uncomfortable. Not for STEP, but I've made the mistake before of eating way too much beforehand and it made me feel a bit bloated
Reply 2
Original post by melancollege
For exam day, the only advice I would give would be to not make yourself uncomfortable. Not for STEP, but I've made the mistake before of eating way too much beforehand and it made me feel a bit bloated

THANKS A LOT! I do think about what kind of food I shall eat at that day.... Given the fact that I have to sit on the chair for 3 hours, I cannot drink too much water or eat some dry food, or otherwise I have to go to the toilet.😂
Original post by ECFDPB
STEP is going to be hold in merely few days! I have to admit that, although I usually get a S in my mock examinations, using past paper from 2018 to 2022, I still cannot help feeling nervous. Can anyone get me some suggestions about my STEP, ranging from what I should eat before the examination to what I should do when taking STEP? THANKS A LOT!

You are sat on the highest grade possible for the STEP - you should be OK. My performance is still so variable. I somehow pulled a grade 1 in 2020 and then it's been a mix of mid grade 3s and low grade 2s in the recent years. I'm super nervous. I need a 2 in STEP II.
Reply 4
Original post by vnayak
You are sat on the highest grade possible for the STEP - you should be OK. My performance is still so variable. I somehow pulled a grade 1 in 2020 and then it's been a mix of mid grade 3s and low grade 2s in the recent years. I'm super nervous. I need a 2 in STEP II.

I guess that we just need to read the questions carefully and remember to check those tough calculations when having time. If you have some difficulties doing parts of the question, then skip them or try the parts of the question behind. I believe that you have the potential of getting a 1 in STEP2, given the fact that the STEP2 in 2020 is the most difficult and even I can merely get a 1!😝 GOOD LUCK FOR BOTH OF US!
Reply 5
do not hit the energy drinks just before the exam....
Reply 6
Original post by the bear
do not hit the energy drinks just before the exam....

😂I see..... I think that I should avoid drinking before and during the examination
Original post by the bear
do not hit the energy drinks just before the exam....

Never had an energy drink and I don't drink coffee or tea. 😂

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