The Student Room Group

How long will it take me to get to grade 5 flute?

Hi all,

I have been doing music for 12 years now, 11 of which have been spent playing piano. I passed my grade 8 piano in March and have started working on an ARSM diploma. I took up flute in March and already playing pieces around grade 2/3 standard. Do you think it is achievable for me to be grade 5 flute in about a year and a half?

(I am considering going to uni and want to join orchestra or wind band)

Thanks :smile:
Yes I don't see why not. I think if you work really hard then you could get to grade 5 in about a year or maybe two. Do you play any other wind instruments? I started playing the Saxophone in year 8 and I'm now in year 13 and play at grade 8 standard.

I want to start learning the clarinet this summer after exams so fingers crossed I can get to grade 8 by the time I finish uni! :smile:
Reply 2
Original post by michaela001
Yes I don't see why not. I think if you work really hard then you could get to grade 5 in about a year or maybe two. Do you play any other wind instruments? I started playing the Saxophone in year 8 and I'm now in year 13 and play at grade 8 standard.
I want to start learning the clarinet this summer after exams so fingers crossed I can get to grade 8 by the time I finish uni! :smile:

No I only play piano, although I did start music with descant and treble recorder at age 6 lol- I always wanted to pick up a second instrument but my parents said not until I was grade 8 piano ☹️

I actually think that recorder helped though, because I already understood the basic fingerings and I could already make a sound as soon as I got the flute because I'd been playing a fife which I bought at a charity shop. Also I have joined wind band at school so it's kind of forced me to play well.

That's an impressive amount of time to get to grade 8 sax! Took me 11 years for piano, but then again I did start when I was 7 and didn't really take it seriously until Year 11. I reckon you could get grade 8 clarinet- I've heard that clarinet and saxophone are quite similar because of the reeds. Good luck!
(edited 8 months ago)
Reply 3
Original post by 176253
Hi all,
I have been doing music for 12 years now, 11 of which have been spent playing piano. I passed my grade 8 piano in March and have started working on an ARSM diploma. I took up flute in March and already playing pieces around grade 2/3 standard. Do you think it is achievable for me to be grade 5 flute in about a year and a half?
(I am considering going to uni and want to join orchestra or wind band)
Thanks :smile:

It depends on how much you are practising. Once you know the fingering and the breathing you can progress quickly

18 months sounds reasonable and from grade 5 to 8 took my son a couple of years. He jumped grade 7.
Reply 4
As someone who was similar level to you at piano when I picked up a aecond instrument (clarinet), it took me around 3 months to become grade 5. Having the experience from piano makes it much, much easier to learn a second instrument. Of course it depends how much you practice and how good your teacher is, but grade 5 in a year and a half is more than achievable.
(edited 8 months ago)

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