The Student Room Group

gay pulling

im a gay guy at uni, im 18

well basically i have been out clubbing, both gay and straight clubs, but mainly straight ones however there are always many gay guys there. my problem is that unless a guy tries it on with me i have no chance of pulling. im useless at pulling, i have never done it and the main reason is that i have no idea how to..

so how do i do it? im not the most obvious gay which is probs why i dnt get that much attention, but id like to be able to get a guy myself.

so my question is: how do i tell if someone is gay? and how do i approach them in a club? what do i say? how do i act?

many thanks :smile:

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Do you live in Manchester? If so, people of any gender, race, hair colour, shoe size are hard to pull. :biggrin:
Reply 2
i need advice!!!
Reply 3
hey i just found this thread and it completely relates to me and my life atm, but there have not been any replies to the OP.

could anyone give the OP and myself, some advice on the whole gay pulling situation.

cheers guys
Reply 4
Its not easy!! Its sad but true most guys in gay bars are after one thing... if you just want a bit of fun head to a gay bar with a few girls get some drinks down you & mingle there is no secret (if there is please share it haha) Just be yourself make random conversation with guys you like the look of, confidence is a plus here I guess.

Are you a member of any sites for us gays?? Could arrange to meet up with some local lads after getting to know them a little obviously be careful you don't want to be greeted with a fat balding 50 year old :wink:

Seeing as your @ uni you should have no worries meeting guys, plenty of groups you could join I'm sure
Reply 5
yeah thanks for your advice, although the problem im having is actually approaching a guy. do i ask if he is gay? do i just say hi? do i offer a drink? im fine once i get going, its just the initial first step that i have no experience in
Reply 6
yeah thanks for your advice, although the problem im having is actually approaching a guy. do i ask if he is gay? do i just say hi? do i offer a drink? im fine once i get going, its just the initial first step that i have no experience in

Depends where you are I guess... if its a gay venue then the chances are he is going to be gay so you could offer him a drink or just crack some cheesy joke it really is up to the situation, you & the kind of person you are! There is no real procedure just be yourself & keep going until you click with someone. Taking a group of friends will help if you are shy but try not to let shyness show as it won't do you many favors imho...

If you aren't sure they are gay or not well that makes it a whole lot harder and I guess its up to your gaydar. Asking a guy if they are gay may not go down so well if they are straight homophobics lol
Reply 7
As a straight guy who has gay friends, I'm often jealous of guys being able to go to a gay bar and pick up someone. As said above, gay bars tend to be about one thing, hooking up and getting some. 'Straight' bars aren't quite the same. If I were you I'd head to a gay bar, sit at the bar (with friends or not) and check out the talent, chat to anyone at the bar and be friendly, chances are you'll either get a chance to try on some moves or you'll have some tried on you.

As with any 'pick up' situation, you aren't going to succeed all the time so don't be worried if it doesn't go perfectly the first time - no one can be that lucky! Just enjoy yourself and see what happens.
Reply 8
yeah thanks for your advice, although the problem im having is actually approaching a guy. do i ask if he is gay? do i just say hi? do i offer a drink? im fine once i get going, its just the initial first step that i have no experience in

I think (and I'm not gay so someone may know better) don't ask if he's gay. Flirt with him, if he flirts back he's almost certaintly gay.
don't ask a guy if he is gay! you must be sure!
More Advice Pppplllleeeeeaaaassssseeee

I Need It

Thanks X
Reply 11
Don't try to pull gay people in straight clubs then.

Besides I heard it's pretty easy at gay bars anyway.
Reply 12
two words....

canal street.....

ive never been myself but lots of my mates have/ (gay and straight)

advice wise i honestly dont know really .... mabey justchat n see where it goes
thanks guys! yeah i guess im just gona have to go to canal st, ive been before and been lucky twice, but i aint reli got anyone i can go with - so dont reli wana go alone. im sure ill find some girl mates to come along some night!
Eye with them a bit...let them buy you some drinks (doubles, of course) ... that usually works.
Reply 15
two words....

canal street.....

ive never been myself but lots of my mates have/ (gay and straight)

advice wise i honestly dont know really .... mabey justchat n see where it goes

(c)ANAL street. Yes
Reply 16
haha! yep - heard that one before lol@!
Reply 17
I actually commented on a guys choice of music preference. I'd had my eye on him then as his tune kicked in he went mental on the dance floor. I complimented him on his impeccable taste then he bought me a drink! :smile: Confidence is key, even if you aren't. Have a drink (or 3) also make sure you feel comfortable in what you're wearing. No word of a lie, if you think you look great your confidence will increase ten fold! Take in your environment, look for opportunities then shoulders back and go for it. Maybe even chat to the friends of the guy you like first, being super sociable gets you noticed, shows confidence (which is sexy fact) and he may even approach you. And breathe!! Hope this help :wink:
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