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exam season depression

is anyone else suffering from exam season depression? im currently doing my a-levels and my mental health is at an all time low..
Original post by Anonymous
is anyone else suffering from exam season depression? im currently doing my a-levels and my mental health is at an all time low..

Hi there,

Sorry to hear you're feeling like this. Have you got many exams left to go?

I sat my A Levels under Covid restrictions, and although that made the exams different than usual, I can understand the exam season stress quite well.

Try your best to look after yourself. Your exams are important, but so is your wellbeing. I tried my best to balance some exercise in between exams - even a walk on an evening - just to help ease my mind a bit more. And if you're struggling to fit in anything other than revision, which I know is often the case, try to keep a basic but needed routine - try to keep to a bedtime or at least a time where you stop revising on a night to rest. Remember to do the basics like eating good meals and showering - sounds silly but I am guilty of just snacking my way through the day and putting off having a shower.

I know it's so much easier said than done, but you will get there. And it will feel tough until you do, but I promise you the relief you will feel after that final exam is honestly so rewarding. Maybe you could plan some things to do once your exams are over to try and get you looking forward to the summer, and to keep motivation going.

All the best! 🙂
Student Rep at BCU
Reply 2
Original post by Anonymous
is anyone else suffering from exam season depression? im currently doing my a-levels and my mental health is at an all time low..

Yeah. I had exams last Friday and have them this Monday and Tuesday 😭
Original post by Anonymous
is anyone else suffering from exam season depression? im currently doing my a-levels and my mental health is at an all time low..

i am suffering terribly, i have nightmares every night, cry everyday like i don’t know how to stop feeling like the world is going to crash on me if i don’t get the grades i want. i literally feel guilty for having breaks or sitting watching tv, i am just so SAD
Reply 4
Original post by Anonymous
i am suffering terribly, i have nightmares every night, cry everyday like i don’t know how to stop feeling like the world is going to crash on me if i don’t get the grades i want. i literally feel guilty for having breaks or sitting watching tv, i am just so SAD

Oh same. Like, I feel like I could be spending all my free time studying, but like I dont want to : (
Original post by Anonymous
is anyone else suffering from exam season depression? im currently doing my a-levels and my mental health is at an all time low..

Exams are a marathon and not a sprint, so keeping going can be tough. They are draining emotionally, so you need to recharge emotionally with lots of positive things, things that make you feel good. Whether it is walking to the newsagents to get a pack of gum, meeting your friends for a coffee, playing ball with your dog, having a movie night with parents, doing so colouring, painting your sister's nails, whatever recharges you.

Take care of yourself, this is the home stretch, you are nearly there!
Reply 6
Original post by BraeLynnT
Oh same. Like, I feel like I could be spending all my free time studying, but like I dont want to : (

yesss like i literally feel bad for being on my phone scrolling through tiktok or something. and the worst thing is, i am soooo sick of revising. i’ve got 4 exams left which are all next week so i’m definitely on my last straw
yes this is so real
i feel guilty whenever i do anything but study - even sleep. i have four exams left but theyre spread out over three weeks and im so burnt out and demotivated to continue revising. my first exam went to **** bc i had a panic attack and im terrified the rest will go the same way. exam season ****inf sucks bro.
Reply 8
Original post by tianna.h
yesss like i literally feel bad for being on my phone scrolling through tiktok or something. and the worst thing is, i am soooo sick of revising. i’ve got 4 exams left which are all next week so i’m definitely on my last straw

thats so nice though, i havent even started my exams... (biochem&maths) so i have 9 exams within the next 3 weeks..
Reply 9
Original post by Anonymous
thats so nice though, i havent even started my exams... (biochem&maths) so i have 9 exams within the next 3 weeks..

haha yea my boyfriends the same, he does chem bio maths and physics so he’s literally packed with exams i feel so sorry for him. good luck with your exams though, you’ll do great 👍
Original post by tianna.h
haha yea my boyfriends the same, he does chem bio maths and physics so he’s literally packed with exams i feel so sorry for him. good luck with your exams though, you’ll do great 👍

I think i failed my math exam 😭
Reply 11
Original post by BraeLynnT
I think i failed my math exam 😭

r u in gcse?
Ummm I'm in High School? lol. Sorry, I live in the US so I dont exactly have that......
Reply 13
Original post by BraeLynnT
Ummm I'm in High School? lol. Sorry, I live in the US so I dont exactly have that......

oh i think this site is targetted at students studying the british curriculum
yurp ik. well in about 5 years ima be thriving in the UK but i wish it was sooner 😭
Reply 15
Original post by BraeLynnT
yurp ik. well in about 5 years ima be thriving in the UK but i wish it was sooner 😭

oh cool! what makes u wanna come to the uk?
Original post by Anonymous
oh cool! what makes u wanna come to the uk?

I've always wished I was British (idek why) and it seems like such a good place to be. And I hate the US so when I get out of High School and Early College, Ima go there to study law!

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