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Clearing for city and queen Mary comp sci

How much have these unis dropped their grades in the past in clearing? Has anyone gotten into these with much lower grades e.g BCD? Ive got an offer from city aswell for ABB, if u get lower how much lower would they usually accept?
Reply 1
D grade - those Unis wouldn't need go that low to fill a popular and over-subscribed subject even if they had spaces.

At BCD level you are probably looking at Unis like Portsmouth, Bournemouth, Derby, Liverpool JM, Northumbria etc.
Original post by McGinger
D grade - those Unis wouldn't need go that low to fill a popular and over-subscribed subject even if they had spaces.
At BCD level you are probably looking at Unis like Portsmouth, Bournemouth, Derby, Liverpool JM, Northumbria etc.
What if I got ACD but the A was in maths, which is the subject they care about the most. Same thing?
Original post by Gcsestudent56
What if I got ACD but the A was in maths, which is the subject they care about the most. Same thing?

I dont know about City but is highly unlikely Queen Mary will accept you with those grades and suspect that will be the case for City as well. From memory I think Queen Mary CS was filled by 10am last year so Icdoubt they dropped their grades at all.
Reply 4
Original post by Gcsestudent56
How much have these unis dropped their grades in the past in clearing? Has anyone gotten into these with much lower grades e.g BCD? Ive got an offer from city aswell for ABB, if u get lower how much lower would they usually accept?

I had got CBE and still managed to get into City for BSc criminology and sociology. (I think you should just phone them up and ask them after exploring your options they’re brilliant)
Reply 5
Original post by smh101
I had got CBE and still managed to get into City for BSc criminology and sociology. (I think you should just phone them up and ask them after exploring your options they’re brilliant)

omg i’m currently struggling with my levels!! and i want to do criminology at city. i need a BBB but i think if i play my cards right i may get ABC -BBC would i still get accepted ????!?!?!?!?!?! i really need advice
Original post by maddie’
omg i’m currently struggling with my levels!! and i want to do criminology at city. i need a BBB but i think if i play my cards right i may get ABC -BBC would i still get accepted ????!?!?!?!?!?! i really need advice

Nobody can tell you. It is down to the university and will depend on the results of others.
Original post by Gcsestudent56
What if I got ACD but the A was in maths, which is the subject they care about the most. Same thing?

you can check on ucas. google "[the course you wanna do] city ucas" or "[the course you wanna do] queen mary ucas" , click on the relevant link and scroll down to the bottom where is says Entry grades data, and type in your grades and it will tell the percentage of people with ur grades that got in 🙂 stay optimistic!!
Original post by maddie’
omg i’m currently struggling with my levels!! and i want to do criminology at city. i need a BBB but i think if i play my cards right i may get ABC -BBC would i still get accepted ????!?!?!?!?!?! i really need advice

extremelyyyy likely!! the most common grade of the people they accepted for criminology was CCC actually!! with the lowest being CDD 🙂 take a look here:, scroll down to the bottom where it says Entry Grades Data and type in ur grade
Reply 9
Original post by swanseajack1
I dont know about City but is highly unlikely Queen Mary will accept you with those grades and suspect that will be the case for City as well. From memory I think Queen Mary CS was filled by 10am last year so Icdoubt they dropped their grades at all.

hi, im trying to get into queen mary for CS in clearing, i have the grades but just worried about any space on the course. (i have my results already from before)

did u mean 10am on the 5th july when clearing opens? and is my best bet just calling them on that morning or taking the day off work and going into the campus?

thank you!
Original post by AhmedA1011
hi, im trying to get into queen mary for CS in clearing, i have the grades but just worried about any space on the course. (i have my results already from before)

did u mean 10am on the 5th july when clearing opens? and is my best bet just calling them on that morning or taking the day off work and going into the campus?

thank you!

Calling. There won't be anyone to see on campus.

Do you have grades that meet the standard offer, or slightly below?
Original post by Admit-One
Calling. There won't be anyone to see on campus.
Do you have grades that meet the standard offer, or slightly below?

thanks for your swift reply!

i have the grades to meet the standard offer, i just didn’t apply before the deadline due to health reasons.

i’ve seen a few posts suggesting that the clearing number only comes out on results day in august.

Original post by catolinani
extremelyyyy likely!! The most common grade of the people they accepted for criminology was ccc actually!! With the lowest being cdd 🙂 take a look here:, scroll down to the bottom where it says entry grades data and type in ur grade

oh my gpd thank hoh so much u dont understand thank you i needed fhis god bless !!!
Original post by AhmedA1011
thanks for your swift reply!
i have the grades to meet the standard offer, i just didn’t apply before the deadline due to health reasons.
i’ve seen a few posts suggesting that the clearing number only comes out on results day in august.

If you already have your grades you dont need to wait for clearing. Apply now. You will need an application to use clearing anyway so you wont lose anything buy applying.

Whether Queen Mary will have vacancies only they will know. Last year when clearing opened for most students on A level results day in August they had filled their CS spaces by 10am and were closed to applicants. At least that is my memory.

Part of the problem is that some subjects like CS and Economics are very competitive and most leading universities dont offer them in clearing. In addition the demand particularly form overseas applicants for universities in London is massive. This makes chances of leading London universities being available in clearing for these subjects being very slim.

Part of the clearing problem is that many courses are not available in early clearing in July. The courses available are those that definitely not going to get filled. Popular courses will largely be expected to be filled and it is only when ALL the results are in that a university will know how many places it has available. It then looks at students with near misses and only after that does it enter clearing. There will be courses not in early clearing that are then available in clearing on results day.

If you meet the entry requirements already you would be best applying now and not waiting to se if a course is in clearing. If a course isnt available now it is highly unlikely to be available in July or indeed on A level results day.
Reply 14
Are spaces in Computer Science (any computer science degree) at Queen Mary available in clearing usually?
I recommend checking the freedom of information request other people have made for queen mary clearing. From what I've seen 2023 and 2024 were not open to clearing for cs course. To find this just search smth along the lines of queen marys clearing freedom of information request, then download the document sent and have a look at it yourself.

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