The Student Room Group

Northumbria accommodation

Could somebody who goes/went to Northumbria university in Newcastle tell me about the difference accommodations? LJMU is my first choice and Northumbria is my insurance, but based off exams I’ll probably be going to Northumbria. I have accommodation booked in Liverpool with unite students, and I believe I can transfer that booking to another city so it would probably be easiest to stick with them, although it’s not a dealbreaker. So, which Northumbria accommodation would be more lively, with more people at pre drinks and more people going out etc. I really just don’t want to accidentally end up in a quiet accom as it just wouldn’t suit me tbh. Thanks in advance :smile:
Original post by Absuxisjsb
Could somebody who goes/went to Northumbria university in Newcastle tell me about the difference accommodations? LJMU is my first choice and Northumbria is my insurance, but based off exams I’ll probably be going to Northumbria. I have accommodation booked in Liverpool with unite students, and I believe I can transfer that booking to another city so it would probably be easiest to stick with them, although it’s not a dealbreaker. So, which Northumbria accommodation would be more lively, with more people at pre drinks and more people going out etc. I really just don’t want to accidentally end up in a quiet accom as it just wouldn’t suit me tbh. Thanks in advance :smile:

Hello, I hope you're well!

I am a student at Northumbria currently on my placement year and while I can't speak for all accommodations, I stayed in Quay Point in my first year and found it very sociable. They are a unite students one as well.

However, if you decide to book through the Northumbria website, when I was debating booking that way I noticed that you can put your preferences to social or quiet flat so that may be an option if you'd prefer to do it that way and want to explore some of the other accommodations.

There are also open days coming up on the 28th and 29th of June where you should be able to look round some of the accommodations and get a feel for the place.

I hope this helps, let me know if you have any more questions :smile:

Northumbria UG rep

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