The Student Room Group

What Would You Do?

If you're being verbally harassed by somebody what would you do about it?
Original post by JDINCINERATOR
If you're being verbally harassed by somebody what would you do about it?

report it to the police
Original post by connerj0012
report it to the police

Well yeah but if you haven't the evidence what's the point?
*shrug* It's too vague really, unless they're really going for I'd probably just laugh and dismiss them.

If they're really going for it or make a habit of it I might choose a physical response, even just as a short sharp shock.
Original post by JDINCINERATOR
Well yeah but if you haven't the evidence what's the point?

If it's getting serious try to record them and go to the police or school or universities organisation people
Depends on the context.
What type of verbal harassment, venue it occurs and whether any threats or defamation is involved.

If its the petty insults or snide jokes of a jerk, I'd just try to avoid them and ignore their nonsense.
For more serious stuff like stalking, criminal threats, verbal aggression, abusive messages, attempts to physically accost or victimisation at work- I'd get professional advice on my options.
From a lawyer or a specialist charity like protection against stalking.
Original post by londonmyst
Depends on the context.
What type of verbal harassment, venue it occurs and whether any threats or defamation is involved.
If its the petty insults or snide jokes of a jerk, I'd just try to avoid them and ignore their nonsense.
For more serious stuff like stalking, criminal threats, verbal aggression, abusive messages, attempts to physically accost or victimisation at work- I'd get professional advice on my options.
From a lawyer or a specialist charity like protection against stalking.

What if you're surrounded and hounded for something you didn't do?
Original post by JDINCINERATOR
What if you're surrounded and hounded for something you didn't do?

Is one person surrounding you or have we changed things? As said its v hard to answer something this vague.
Original post by StriderHort
Is one person surrounding you or have we changed things? As said its v hard to answer something this vague.

Ok, so a group of youths stalked me by a cashpoint and eventually one of them shouted "excuse me!" Then I turn and answer them and they start to accuse of me stuff I didn't do and followed me to my house whilst accusing me and twisting my words. They wouldn't listen to me and they wouldn't leave me alone. Thankfully my brother helped sort the situation out, but I haven't got the proof that this happened, so what can I do?
Reply 9
I'm not sure if it's worth doing anything about it to be honest. I'm not sure how serious the accusations are. If they're minor then there's little for you to worry about I think, and I doubt they'll try to talk to you again.

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