The Student Room Group

How does private medical insurance work?

I need a screening for a learning disability (ADHD) most places seem to be charging £1000-2000 for it if I take out private medical insurance which is like £300 will they pay for it all?
You'd have to check what the insurance covers.
Reply 2
No chance, how would they make any money if people with already known assessment or treatment needs were allowed to pay a low premium to immediately access more expensive care. These policies are packed with exclusions anyway. Try the NHS
Original post by Anonymous
I need a screening for a learning disability (ADHD) most places seem to be charging £1000-2000 for it if I take out private medical insurance which is like £300 will they pay for it all?

Hi, please look for “right to choose”
What Zarek said. A lot of these places have lots of exclusions and clauses in place to avoid paying for pre-existing conditions. The insurance I get from work (for example) had a very distinct one about not paying for any long-term conditions and associated health issues that arose in the 2 years prior to falling under its umbrella. Your only hope (without lying to an insurer, which would be some form of fraud I assume) is the NHS, if you want it cheap/free.

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