So, I’m debating whether I should ask this girl out again or just leave it be.
I matched with this girl via online dating a short while ago. We hit things off rather quickly and we agreed to meet within the first week of matching. The first date went really well, which ended with a passionate kiss and her asking for another date. We met up for a second time two days later, which again I thought went well. At this point things were looking really promising and from the fact that she was keen to agree to a third date she seemed interested.
However, shortly before the third date she cut things off saying that she felt things had amped up too quickly and her feelings were conflicted. While, I was a bit gutted I respected her decision and moved on. However, as things ended on a good note we’ve actually remained in contact and for the past two months we have been messaging on and off. During this time, I have dated other girls, but I haven’t quite clicked with anyone compared to this girl. So, as we’re still talking I’m kind of tempted to ask if she wanted to try dating again. If she says no, then I would move on and not look back.
Is it worth going for or should I not bother?