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how to convince my sixth form to let me do an level without the gcse

So basically, I'm thinking about doing a Law Degree at university (such as UCL for example) and I'd love to do History at A-level because it's very suited for that and the sixth form I'm interested in studies pretty decent topics in History. Ideally my combo would be: Maths, History and Geography. However when I was in year 9, I made the error of NOT taking history and the sixth form I'm currently most likely to go to wants a grade 6 in History GCSE.
So my big question is how do I convince them to let me on, do you think it's possible? I'm thinking of stating my case on the trial/taster day next month so I can talk to them one-on-one. I'm predicted 7s-9s across all subjects, with an 8 English Lit + Lang and a 9 in Geography - I'm also hard-working and there's honestly no other subject I want to take instead of History. I know that I'm FULLY capable of doing well and my proof is in my other similar subjects. How about I suggest putting me on a trial period for like the first couple weeks to see whether I can cope and if they dont think I'm good enough they can kick me off??? im so desperate. Also I sw SO MANY schools don't require history GCSE D: . (not doing english lit a-level)

pls any tips D:
I Know it’s probably not what you want to hear but the likelihood of them letting you on the course without the GCSE is very unlikely. You won’t have the base knowledge to pick it up at A-level and it’s likely you’ll fall behind everyone else. Even if you do have the knowledge, the skills you need for different subjects are different, so if you’re the only one who hasn’t done GCSE they’ll assume you know how to do things you may not and, again, you’ll probably fall behind. You might as well ask though if it’s something you really want!! Also, don’t be upset if they say no, you really don’t need A-level history to do Law at uni :smile:)
Reply 2
Original post by Laura13101995
I Know it’s probably not what you want to hear but the likelihood of them letting you on the course without the GCSE is very unlikely. You won’t have the base knowledge to pick it up at A-level and it’s likely you’ll fall behind everyone else. Even if you do have the knowledge, the skills you need for different subjects are different, so if you’re the only one who hasn’t done GCSE they’ll assume you know how to do things you may not and, again, you’ll probably fall behind. You might as well ask though if it’s something you really want!! Also, don’t be upset if they say no, you really don’t need A-level history to do Law at uni :smile:)

No i know, but I'm gonna try anyway, then I'll know for sure. Its just rlly annoying that the ONE sixth form I actually would like to go wants the GCSE.
Reply 3
You can do any 3 A level subjects for Law - even 3 sciences would be okay - all you need is 3 high grades.
Reply 4
Original post by georgia10201
So basically, I'm thinking about doing a Law Degree at university (such as UCL for example) and I'd love to do History at A-level because it's very suited for that and the sixth form I'm interested in studies pretty decent topics in History. Ideally my combo would be: Maths, History and Geography. However when I was in year 9, I made the error of NOT taking history and the sixth form I'm currently most likely to go to wants a grade 6 in History GCSE.
So my big question is how do I convince them to let me on, do you think it's possible? I'm thinking of stating my case on the trial/taster day next month so I can talk to them one-on-one. I'm predicted 7s-9s across all subjects, with an 8 English Lit + Lang and a 9 in Geography - I'm also hard-working and there's honestly no other subject I want to take instead of History. I know that I'm FULLY capable of doing well and my proof is in my other similar subjects. How about I suggest putting me on a trial period for like the first couple weeks to see whether I can cope and if they dont think I'm good enough they can kick me off??? im so desperate. Also I sw SO MANY schools don't require history GCSE D: . (not doing english lit a-level)
pls any tips D:

not sure whether this helps but i have a friend who took history AS without having done the GCSE
we keep questioning why she did it but she seems to be doing fine
you don't need history though so don't worry too much if they don't let you take it
Original post by georgia10201
So basically, I'm thinking about doing a Law Degree at university (such as UCL for example) and I'd love to do History at A-level because it's very suited for that and the sixth form I'm interested in studies pretty decent topics in History. Ideally my combo would be: Maths, History and Geography. However when I was in year 9, I made the error of NOT taking history and the sixth form I'm currently most likely to go to wants a grade 6 in History GCSE.
So my big question is how do I convince them to let me on, do you think it's possible? I'm thinking of stating my case on the trial/taster day next month so I can talk to them one-on-one. I'm predicted 7s-9s across all subjects, with an 8 English Lit + Lang and a 9 in Geography - I'm also hard-working and there's honestly no other subject I want to take instead of History. I know that I'm FULLY capable of doing well and my proof is in my other similar subjects. How about I suggest putting me on a trial period for like the first couple weeks to see whether I can cope and if they dont think I'm good enough they can kick me off??? im so desperate. Also I sw SO MANY schools don't require history GCSE D: . (not doing english lit a-level)
pls any tips D:
Hi there, I’ve been in a somewhat similar position as you, with not having the required grade for GCSE physics and wanting to do it for A-level.
If you really want to do it, I advice asking to sit a baseline test to see where your knowledge is.
Another way I would go about this is sitting an AS history exam in your first or second year. 👍
Original post by georgia10201
So basically, I'm thinking about doing a Law Degree at university (such as UCL for example) and I'd love to do History at A-level because it's very suited for that and the sixth form I'm interested in studies pretty decent topics in History. Ideally my combo would be: Maths, History and Geography. However when I was in year 9, I made the error of NOT taking history and the sixth form I'm currently most likely to go to wants a grade 6 in History GCSE.
So my big question is how do I convince them to let me on, do you think it's possible? I'm thinking of stating my case on the trial/taster day next month so I can talk to them one-on-one. I'm predicted 7s-9s across all subjects, with an 8 English Lit + Lang and a 9 in Geography - I'm also hard-working and there's honestly no other subject I want to take instead of History. I know that I'm FULLY capable of doing well and my proof is in my other similar subjects. How about I suggest putting me on a trial period for like the first couple weeks to see whether I can cope and if they dont think I'm good enough they can kick me off??? im so desperate. Also I sw SO MANY schools don't require history GCSE D: . (not doing english lit a-level)
pls any tips D:

as a year 13 currently sitting history (i did do the gcse but that doesn't matter) I don't really think it would be much of an issue. Altgough history is very skills based, the question types are different to gcse so everyone has to learn how to do them, so I don't think you'd actually be very disadvantaged. And you don't really need 'base knowledge' as you'll likely do different topics, so wouldn't be behind. It's just the school's preference - but definitely worth asking.

I know people who got 9s in gcse history but stuggle to get Cs and i know people who got 5s and are getting As so I really don't think the gcse is that important
I did A level modern History (1870-1945) after doing the GCSE.
However, i `came out of retirement` to do A level Ancient History without first doing GCSE and having next to no knowledge of the period, and i managed an A.
A level is an entirely different kettle of fish to GCSE, if you are well read and have a passion for the subject, i really do not see why not.
My advice is read, read, read!
Maybe find out the syllabus and do background reading on the period and find out what text books you will use.
This was how i studied for Ancient History and now Classical Civilisation doing these subjects entirely on my own, use more than one author and get a `feel` for the period and a narrative in your head.
At the end of the day the only thing you can do to persuade them is emphasise how much you want to do it and plead for an exemption.
Does remind me when i was in Year 13, my Economics teacher stated that he felt people without at least a grade `c` and preferably a `b` in GCSE maths were not suitable for A level Economics.
I had great delight in informing him that i only had a `d`: by that time i had already scored several A`s in mock exams.
Reply 8
I'm doing a level history without doing the gcse!!! it was a bit slow at first, but i've done really well so far, got a mark i'm really proud of in my coursework, and have a predicted a*!!! honestly it just took me a few weeks to settle in then i was fine, just go for it!
my friend is doing history a-level without gcse - school allowed her as she had 8/9s in english + RS ! not all hope lost, good luck :smile:
Reply 10
Original post by ikiclover
I'm doing a level history without doing the gcse!!! it was a bit slow at first, but i've done really well so far, got a mark i'm really proud of in my coursework, and have a predicted a*!!! honestly it just took me a few weeks to settle in then i was fine, just go for it!
I just hope the sixth form let me, but also this is rlly reassuring because ive been worried not having the gcse would disadvantage me so thank u!! good luck with it!
Reply 11
I'm doing 4 A-Levels, including history and I've done no GSCE for any of those 4 subjects. I'm predicted A*AAB. I don't think GSCEs are necessary at all, if you're not stupid (excuse my expression). Tell your Advisor or whoever your spokesperson is to let you start doing history, and if the teacher or you feel like your falling behind with coursework or it's too high a workload, then you can still quit.
Reply 12
Original post by georgia10201
So basically, I'm thinking about doing a Law Degree at university (such as UCL for example) and I'd love to do History at A-level because it's very suited for that and the sixth form I'm interested in studies pretty decent topics in History. Ideally my combo would be: Maths, History and Geography. However when I was in year 9, I made the error of NOT taking history and the sixth form I'm currently most likely to go to wants a grade 6 in History GCSE.
So my big question is how do I convince them to let me on, do you think it's possible? I'm thinking of stating my case on the trial/taster day next month so I can talk to them one-on-one. I'm predicted 7s-9s across all subjects, with an 8 English Lit + Lang and a 9 in Geography - I'm also hard-working and there's honestly no other subject I want to take instead of History. I know that I'm FULLY capable of doing well and my proof is in my other similar subjects. How about I suggest putting me on a trial period for like the first couple weeks to see whether I can cope and if they dont think I'm good enough they can kick me off??? im so desperate. Also I sw SO MANY schools don't require history GCSE D: . (not doing english lit a-level)
pls any tips D:

I did an a level that I was told recquired having the gcse subject (i didn't take the gcse subject) and managed to pursuers them showing that i was hard working with my gcse grades from other subjects explained why i wanted to do the subject and why i didn't take the gcse and they were pretty understanding and let me do the a level
Original post by georgia10201
So basically, I'm thinking about doing a Law Degree at university (such as UCL for example) and I'd love to do History at A-level because it's very suited for that and the sixth form I'm interested in studies pretty decent topics in History. Ideally my combo would be: Maths, History and Geography. However when I was in year 9, I made the error of NOT taking history and the sixth form I'm currently most likely to go to wants a grade 6 in History GCSE.
So my big question is how do I convince them to let me on, do you think it's possible? I'm thinking of stating my case on the trial/taster day next month so I can talk to them one-on-one. I'm predicted 7s-9s across all subjects, with an 8 English Lit + Lang and a 9 in Geography - I'm also hard-working and there's honestly no other subject I want to take instead of History. I know that I'm FULLY capable of doing well and my proof is in my other similar subjects. How about I suggest putting me on a trial period for like the first couple weeks to see whether I can cope and if they dont think I'm good enough they can kick me off??? im so desperate. Also I sw SO MANY schools don't require history GCSE D: . (not doing english lit a-level)
pls any tips D:

Hi, I am in y12 studying A-Level history at the sixth-form that's part of my high school. I did take it at GCSE today. However, my friend that is taking A-level history with me didn't take it for GCSE.

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