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If you miss a paper will unis see?

I’ve heard of the ‘X’ on result papers but I’m wondering if universities will be able to see that you missed a component. Do they get an exact copy of the results broken down or just the overall grade?
Possibly, and it may well be written up in an academic reference too, however, not to worry too much, about anything I would argue; universities will be looking at the overall you, not whether you had this or that in your past, will be looking at the consistent broader academic portrait picture of you. On some transcripts of a qualification there is on the back a breakdown of each unit and each module. If you have to resit a module it may be capped at a pass or 40% grade etc., and your teachers and tutors may submit a write up if you have struggled in one area or another, but not necessarily either. Universities see a persons struggle in one area or another as normal, and its fine, part of being a normal human being, and we're all unique too; may be a good thing to be honest about it anyway because they will endeavour to help you in the specific area, it wouldn't make sense if they helped you in an area you didn't need help in. If they see you have missed a paper, exam, or assignment etc., whatever it is, they may ask you why, but likely won't, if they do, you can either be honest which is usually the best way to live, or tell a small white lie, a fib, which many people can coldread anyway in one's signals, tone and body language, and if you lie, maybe you were at a funeral that day, unlikely to check but why lie if you were just busy and it wasn't scheduled properly in your notes, could just have missed it because you were ill. May in that case ask if you had a sick note from a doctor, but unlikely, if they do they will be wanting to know if you are capable of time-managing yourself, because at university it is really a rather independent adult style of delivery, they won't necessarily be managing your timetable for you. At university level if you miss a paper or assignment, fail to attend, will resit at another time, you may have to arrange the resit yourself, may have to conduct this at the end of the year yourself. On some courses, even right at the end of the course in year 3 if for example you missed too many sessions and didn't attend enough they may have to fail you because if the course is aligned with a certain awarding body or council they may have a minimum criteria.

So a university may make enquires into it, but as long as you haven't persistently been deliberately missing things and you address your own responsibility in the equation, it is usually fine.

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