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AQA A Level Religious Studies (7062/1) - 10th June 2024 [Exam Chat]

AQA A Level Religious Studies Paper 1 - 10th June 2024
Welcome to the TSR discussion for AQA RS Paper 1!
Introduce yourself, share your favourite or least favourite topic/s, how you're feeling about the exam and your best revision tips
Exam: Paper 1 - philosophy of religion and ethics
Date: 10th June 2024, AM
Duration: 3 hours

Best of luck!


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Reply 1
does anyone have any predictions on what is most likely to come up, idk where to start my revision its all too much.
Original post by nbnmbmjhj
does anyone have any predictions on what is most likely to come up, idk where to start my revision its all too much.

for ethics natural moral law hasn't come up since 2021 (and obvs most people didn't formally do the paper) so it might come up
Reply 3
anyone got predictions???
Reply 4
Does anyone have the questions from last year?
Reply 5
Original post by gcpepss
Does anyone have the questions from last year?

- process theology - effects on believers
- Swinburne's testimony and credulity (15 marker)
- Hicks eschatological verification
- 'Miracles aren't real'

- Virtue Ethics
- Situation Ethics and designer babies (15 marker)
- Libertarianism and Compatabilism (10 marker)
- conscience (whether religious conscience is better or not - 15 marker)
Reply 6
predictions please😭
Reply 7
Original post by nbnmbmjhj
does anyone have any predictions on what is most likely to come up, idk where to start my revision its all too much.

The via negativa
cosmological argument 15 marker
ontological argument 10 marker
body/soul relationship
logical problem of evil
mystical experiences
language games
free will defence
hick's replica theory
Reply 8
Original post by Lili.3634
The via negativa
cosmological argument 15 marker
ontological argument 10 marker
body/soul relationship
logical problem of evil
mystical experiences
language games
free will defence
hick's replica theory

any predictions for ethics?
is anyone else scared about timing
Reply 10
How is everyone spending their final day of revision?
Reply 11
Original post by jimjams05
How is everyone spending their final day of revision?

cram cram cram. i have chem aswell so just splitting it between the 2 but because my exams are the same time tomorrow im allowed no internet access so writing everything out 😭
Reply 12
Original post by nicole099
cram cram cram. i have chem aswell so just splitting it between the 2 but because my exams are the same time tomorrow im allowed no internet access so writing everything out 😭
finally finding someone that does re and a science😭. I have physics and re paper 2 on the same day🥲🥲
Reply 13
Original post by anzzz_x
finally finding someone that does re and a science😭. I have physics and re paper 2 on the same day🥲🥲

easiest descision i ever made haha re is so easy compared to chem i bet its the same for physics 😭
Reply 14
Original post by nicole099
easiest descision i ever made haha re is so easy compared to chem i bet its the same for physics 😭

it really is😭 but switching revision from physics to an essay based subject really messes with my head
Reply 15
does anyone have a last min explanation of the free will defence? I thought I had it but I've just confused myself even more 😭
Reply 16
Original post by anaapal
does anyone have a last min explanation of the free will defence? I thought I had it but I've just confused myself even more 😭

The Free Will Defence (FWD) is Mackie outlining how the reason that there is evil present in the world is because God gave us free will, which enabled evil to exist. God chose this as he decided that giving us free will was worth having evil. Mackie outlines this by describing the order goods:
1st Order = doing individual goods
2nd Order = enhancing the individual goods (1st order) of others
3rd Order = our freedom to choose to do 2nd order goods instead of evil
4th Order = God giving us the freedom to make this choice

Mackie then rejects this saying why doesn't God always make us inclined to do 2nd order goods, as this would remove evil & because God doesn't he is either not powerful enough or not loving enough (logical problem blah blah). BUT then to disagree with that you can say that we wouldn't be free if we were always inclined to do something, so Mackie's rejection doesn't really work

Hope this helps :smile:
crying screaming throwing up i’m so cooked guys
Reply 18
how likely do you guys think religious language would come up🥲
Original post by anzzz_x
how likely do you guys think religious language would come up🥲

very likely cause it’s barely come up in papers before

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