The Student Room Group

Nursing T Level??

Currently taking a level Bio, Chem and Maths (and failing) and I was looking at options to restart year 12…

I wanted to do nursing at uni and found out about T levels - has anyone actually taken a T level in adult nursing and what is it like??
Original post by meekahanikas
Currently taking a level Bio, Chem and Maths (and failing) and I was looking at options to restart year 12…
I wanted to do nursing at uni and found out about T levels - has anyone actually taken a T level in adult nursing and what is it like??

Hi! I've just finished the t level health so I may be able to help with some advice! I have honestly loved the course. The first year us very academic with heathcare theory and then science which I think only involves anatomy and physiology now (it changed after my first year). It did drag a bit because it wasn't very practical but I loved the second year as most of the exams are practical and then there is just the theory to support everything auch as evidence based practice, how nutrition affect heath etc. The main reason I think t level health would be the right option for someone to become an adult nurse is the placement. At my local hospital trust I got to go to 16 different areas of healthcare during my 315 hours placement and it really taught me about what the role of an adult nurse really is and also helps you decide if adult nursing is the right option for you as there are so many different healtcare careers which you may not even think about unless you did a hospital placement. I'm also feeling more confident with going into my BSc Adult Nursing now that I have done the t level because I know exactly what to expect and I have experience withing the healthcare sector. You dontnget that preperation through a levels. It's definitely something to consider but do beware that the first year is alot more difficult than the second but you just have to push through it. In my cohort at least we had no one fail in the first year so take that as a bit of reassurance hahaha

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