The Student Room Group

What actually is special consideration? (GCSE)

Today I did my GCSE Spanish listening test, and it was partly disrupted after someone had a nosebleed during the test. All 4 of us doing the test were applied for special consideration due to the disruption. If it's approved by the exam board or whatever, what actually happens?
Reply 1
I think they give you extra marks or something, some people I know got special consideration because the noise of kids outside was really loud and I think if the exam board deem it a big enough disruption they add marks on? but I don't know for sure
Original post by AsBr2008
Today I did my GCSE Spanish listening test, and it was partly disrupted after someone had a nosebleed during the test. All 4 of us doing the test were applied for special consideration due to the disruption. If it's approved by the exam board or whatever, what actually happens?

Normally, they give you an extra 1% or 2% (5% if its extreme)for that paper. But personally, I can only see the person who had the nose bleed getting special consideration since it lacked significance and would only have a minor effect on everyone else. However It may be possible to still receive special consideration, depending on the exam board, although from what I am aware of, it is extremely unlikely for special consideration to be given for a nosebleed. I had the fire alarm go off midway through my business GCSE exam, and the request for special consideration was rejected. The only time I've seen it be accepted was for a friend of mine who had kidney failure and missed a significant amount of school time due to it, and despite that the exam boards were stingy and only gave 1-2%.
Reply 3
bro i heard building works in my exam, it was so loud we should all get marks lmao

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