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How did everyone find STEP 2 this year?

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Reply 1
Original post by Stanleeee
How did everyone find STEP 2 this year?

Awful icl. Only 2 answers I’m satisfied with.
Reply 2
Original post by Stanleeee
How did everyone find STEP 2 this year?

I thought it was pretty rough. I did 2 questions I was happy with (q1 and projectile question). I did 2 sort of half questions, and another 2 where I probably only scraped a few marks.
I found it so rough. I only completed the projectile question happily and the rest felt like very poor mathematics. Did anyone else do question 5?
Reply 4
Yeah i struggled.. Couldn't quite get a full answer to any of them
Reply 5
Original post by aboverhombus110
I found it so rough. I only completed the projectile question happily and the rest felt like very poor mathematics. Did anyone else do question 5?

Was that the question on ranges?
if I applied for Maths w Physics but get like 2s on STEP do I have a chance of natsci offer on results day? Honestly, I've been thinking I'd rather do Physics than Maths at this point but that paper has made me a bit more sure of that.

anyway that paper BAD. Only one I fully completed was the ranges and I'm pretty sure I misunderstood what they meant because it took me so little time.
Reply 7
Original post by astrawarrior
if I applied for Maths w Physics but get like 2s on STEP do I have a chance of natsci offer on results day? Honestly, I've been thinking I'd rather do Physics than Maths at this point but that paper has made me a bit more sure of that.
anyway that paper BAD. Only one I fully completed was the ranges and I'm pretty sure I misunderstood what they meant because it took me so little time.

i did the ranges one too! well mostly.. I think I misunderstood something badly cos it just seemed like ranges of quadratics which seemed too simple..
Reply 8
Original post by rerebe7703
i did the ranges one too! well mostly.. I think I misunderstood something badly cos it just seemed like ranges of quadratics which seemed too simple..

Over integers tho so you had to check for integer solutions
Reply 9
Original post by Zxcvbnmlkj
Over integers tho so you had to check for integer solutions

Did you know what they meant by "empty intersection"? Cos i just had to guess lol
Original post by rerebe7703
i did the ranges one too! well mostly.. I think I misunderstood something badly cos it just seemed like ranges of quadratics which seemed too simple..
phew me too!
if we're wrong it's together then
how did you guys do the ranges question... that one killed me
Original post by rerebe7703
Did you know what they meant by "empty intersection"? Cos i just had to guess lol

No solutions I think
Original post by astrawarrior
phew me too!
if we're wrong it's together then

Yeah haha, I honestly felt like the point of the question had flown over my head and I was just doing something too simple
Original post by Zxcvbnmlkj
No solutions I think

ah right, I think i reasoned that the range of one of them included the other so there was some overlap of the ranges and some values contained only in one range
Reply 15
Didn't go very well for me. Hopefully grade boundaries are lower this year.
did anyone make progress on the stats? i thought they both looked good at first, especially q11, but then couldn't make much progress at all
Original post by Stanleeee
How did everyone find STEP 2 this year?

Really rough - I fully answered the binomial/sequences question (I think it was Q6?) and the projectiles one, and then got part 1 fully done of the vectors question - enough for 2 maybe?
Reply 18
does anyone remember what they got for the integration last part? I remember getting same value for a and b but can't remember what it was
Original post by Stanleeee
does anyone remember what they got for the integration last part? I remember getting same value for a and b but can't remember what it was

pi*sqrt(3) -ln(3) ? Maybe I'm stupid but that's what I got

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