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Is it worth switching to a higher ranked uni after 1 year?

I am currently studying business management at Anglia Ruskin university and have just completed the first year. I have an unconditional offer to study management at Bath. Is it worth switching universities if I will have to restart at year 1, I also currently live with my parents so will have to pay for 3 years worth of accommodation on top of the 1 extra year course fees. Eventually I want to own my own business but will likely have to be employed first. I was thinking about staying at my current uni then applying to a top uni to do an MBA but it seems like most masters courses require 3+ years of work experience and I can't plan what I'll be doing in 5-6 years time.
Any Advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Reply 1
Original post by vqe2vog32gyu2o31
I am currently studying business management at Anglia Ruskin university and have just completed the first year. I have an unconditional offer to study management at Bath. Is it worth switching universities if I will have to restart at year 1, I also currently live with my parents so will have to pay for 3 years worth of accommodation on top of the 1 extra year course fees. Eventually I want to own my own business but will likely have to be employed first. I was thinking about staying at my current uni then applying to a top uni to do an MBA but it seems like most masters courses require 3+ years of work experience and I can't plan what I'll be doing in 5-6 years time.
Any Advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

You have to consider many things first like:
Will you regret not taking the opportunity in 5 years?
Is this financially feasible (student debt might not cover all your expenses)?

Look at the course overview and modules it covers and compare with your current course. Bath is ranked higher and some employers would prefer it. Most grad schemes don't consider what university you attended but Bath may provide better careers advice and events. Net working could be better and living away from family will provide a great experience and build further independence.

Applying for an MBA at a top Uni can be hard if you didn't attend a good Uni for your degree.

Don't worry if you prefer to stay at Anglia though, I attended a university of a similar ranking for Accounting and have landed a role at Big4 with intentions to do an MBA in a few years. Assess all factors (financially, careers wise and personal development) and then make a decision, sometimes taking the jump can be worth it. In my opinion: Go For It, Hope this helps!
(edited 8 months ago)
Original post by vqe2vog32gyu2o31
I am currently studying business management at Anglia Ruskin university and have just completed the first year. I have an unconditional offer to study management at Bath. Is it worth switching universities if I will have to restart at year 1, I also currently live with my parents so will have to pay for 3 years worth of accommodation on top of the 1 extra year course fees. Eventually I want to own my own business but will likely have to be employed first. I was thinking about staying at my current uni then applying to a top uni to do an MBA but it seems like most masters courses require 3+ years of work experience and I can't plan what I'll be doing in 5-6 years time.
Any Advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Not usually, but you've got a very strong upgrade there. Business Management at ARU probably has zero benefit to future earning potential, whereas Management at Bath probably has pretty decent increased income potential.
You have to consider many things first like:
Will you regret not taking the opportunity in 5 years?
Is this financially feasible (student debt might not cover all your expenses)?
Look at the course overview and modules it covers and compare with your current course. Bath is ranked higher and some employers would prefer it. Most grad schemes don't consider what university you attended but Bath may provide better careers advice and events. Net working could be better and living away from family will provide a great experience and build further independence.
Applying for an MBA at a top Uni can be hard if you didn't attend a good Uni for your degree.
Don't worry if you prefer to stay at Anglia though, I attended a university of a similar ranking for Accounting and have landed a role at Big4 with intentions to do an MBA in a few years. Assess all factors (financially, careers wise and personal development) and then make a decision, sometimes taking the jump can be worth it. In my opinion: Go For It, Hope this helps!

Thank you for taking the time to write this response, I really appreciate it.
If you're unhappy with the place or unfulfilled in your course, by all means, seek greener pastures. No sense staying where you do not want to be.
Original post by vqe2vog32gyu2o31
I am currently studying business management at Anglia Ruskin university and have just completed the first year. I have an unconditional offer to study management at Bath. Is it worth switching universities if I will have to restart at year 1, I also currently live with my parents so will have to pay for 3 years worth of accommodation on top of the 1 extra year course fees. Eventually I want to own my own business but will likely have to be employed first. I was thinking about staying at my current uni then applying to a top uni to do an MBA but it seems like most masters courses require 3+ years of work experience and I can't plan what I'll be doing in 5-6 years time.
Any Advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


This is a tough decision, and both options have pros and cons. Here's a breakdown to help you weigh it out:

Transferring to Bath:


Study management at a prestigious university (Bath is ranked highly in the UK).

Potentially stronger program and network for your career goals.


Restarting at year 1 means an extra year of tuition and potentially lost credits.

Additional cost of accommodation for 3 years.

Staying at Anglia Ruskin and pursuing an MBA:


Graduate sooner and potentially save on costs (depending on MBA program).

Gain work experience before applying to an MBA (potentially strengthening your application).


You might not get into a top-tier MBA program without a prestigious undergraduate degree.

Uncertainty of getting into an MBA program requiring 3+ years of work experience.

Here are some additional points to consider:

Talk to advisors at both universities: Discuss transferring credits to Bath and explore financial aid options. Anglia Ruskin might offer support for students considering postgraduate studies.

Research MBA programs: Look for programs with flexible entry requirements regarding work experience. Many universities offer part-time or online MBAs that can be done alongside work.

Consider your learning style and goals: Do you prioritize a strong undergraduate foundation at Bath or earlier graduation with work experience?

Ultimately, the decision depends on your priorities. If the Bath program excites you and you're confident you can manage the financial implications, restarting at year 1 might be worthwhile. However, staying at Anglia Ruskin and gaining work experience before an MBA could be a strong strategy too.

Good luck with your decision!
Reply 6
There's quite a big gap between the 2. For this subject, Bath is 4th for research, 10th for entry standards, 2nd for graduate prospects on track, 3rd for graduate prospects in general.

Anglia Ruskin may have only been a university since 1992 but its origins and some of its buildings are much older and it's in lovely Cambridge. Will you like Bath's 1960s origin campus as much? Might Bristol have been a closer match in feel?
(edited 7 months ago)
Reply 7
Original post by vqe2vog32gyu2o31
I am currently studying business management at Anglia Ruskin university and have just completed the first year. I have an unconditional offer to study management at Bath. Is it worth switching universities if I will have to restart at year 1, I also currently live with my parents so will have to pay for 3 years worth of accommodation on top of the 1 extra year course fees. Eventually I want to own my own business but will likely have to be employed first. I was thinking about staying at my current uni then applying to a top uni to do an MBA but it seems like most masters courses require 3+ years of work experience and I can't plan what I'll be doing in 5-6 years time.
Any Advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

So here are some questions


Do you think the people who might employ you will know or care about the superficial rankings of universities? Do you choose your friends based on where they live or came from or do you choose your friends based on their qualities as an individual? Undergrads are obsessed with university rankings. Employers are more interested in the individual and what they bring to the business. The degree or where you got it is generally worthless to most roles.


Why do you need to get a job in order to set up a business? There are no entry requirements to setting up a business and if anything getting a job is the worst thing you could do as you will end up renting somewhere and building up outgoings that prohibit you from starting a business because no business will generate that sort of money straight away unless you have a lot to invest or savings.

If you ask me, I think you need to decide where you are going because by the sounds of it you are hoping for the best which rarely works out. If you want to set up a business, do it now. Don't wait until you have incurred another £30k+ of money to be paid back. If you need a degree in the future, university will always be there. I have just come back from my masters welcome day for next year and I am in my late 40s.

But please please please get this idea out of your head that employers only select graduates from "good" (whatever that means) university. Good universities tend to produce good grads because the grads are good, not the other way around and ultimately it is employability skills and work experience that will land you an interview, not a 1st class degree from a "good" university. Everyone has those these days.

Start your business!
(edited 7 months ago)
You have to consider many things first like:
Will you regret not taking the opportunity in 5 years?
Is this financially feasible (student debt might not cover all your expenses)?
Look at the course overview and modules it covers and compare with your current course. Bath is ranked higher and some employers would prefer it. Most grad schemes don't consider what university you attended but Bath may provide better careers advice and events. Net working could be better and living away from family will provide a great experience and build further independence.
Applying for an MBA at a top Uni can be hard if you didn't attend a good Uni for your degree.
Don't worry if you prefer to stay at Anglia though, I attended a university of a similar ranking for Accounting and have landed a role at Big4 with intentions to do an MBA in a few years. Assess all factors (financially, careers wise and personal development) and then make a decision, sometimes taking the jump can be worth it. In my opinion: Go For It, Hope this helps!

I completely understand where you're coming from regarding changing universities, as I've been there before.

I went through the process of inquiries to change universities but decided to stay at ARU. I was involved in great initiatives with ARU, I was happy and settled. I had a really good first year, so there was no need to move (that was 12 years ago).

Based on your query, you might consider that you will graduate sooner by staying at ARU, which would save costs, and you can start gaining work experience during or after you graduate. An MBA typically requires at least 3 years of work experience anyway.

ARU offers student career support and access to alumni networks. It's not just about the university you attend but more so about what you do during and beyond your time there.

I have worked for different firms and industries over the years and am currently working at ARU.

Whatever you choose to do, I hope it works out for you.

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