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Reply 1
Original post by staycyoungluv
I thought that this paper was really nice, and the only things that weren't nice was that I wrote until the very last second to finish the QER (my dominant hand definitely did not appreciate that) and that I definitely got the variation 1-marker wrong lol

omg exactly the same for me. I had no idea what type of variation they wanted, and I ran out of time so I had to rush and do the QER in less than 4 minutes. I thought some of the questions were a bit weird, like the one about the motorway.
the motorway one was so strange lol.. i can’t remember what i said for the variation question, i either put discontinuous or continuous variation in a rush. the QER was decent up until the last point about alcohol, didn’t write anything for that. are there any answers you remember? i’d like to compare 😭
Original post by staycyoungluv
I thought that this paper was really nice, and the only things that weren't nice was that I wrote until the very last second to finish the QER (my dominant hand definitely did not appreciate that) and that I definitely got the variation 1-marker wrong lol

what did you put for the variation one marker?
what did people say for the bacteria that reduced nitrite!! i couldn’t remember it at all because my teacher said not to learn the names of them
Reply 5
Original post by tenacious-circle
what did people say for the bacteria that reduced nitrite!! i couldn’t remember it at all because my teacher said not to learn the names of them

I put nitrobacters as a wild guess, no clue if it’s right so hopefully someone smart posts an answer lol
Original post by alawj
I put nitrobacters as a wild guess, no clue if it’s right so hopefully someone smart posts an answer lol

ngl i just googled it and im pretty sure you’re right so well done :smile:
Reply 7
Original post by tenacious-circle
what did you put for the variation one marker?

i put Discontinuous variation
Original post by tenacious-circle
what did you put for the variation one marker?

i put discontinuous but when i walked out of the exam hall my friends were all saying it's continuous😭
Original post by tenacious-circle
the motorway one was so strange lol.. i can’t remember what i said for the variation question, i either put discontinuous or continuous variation in a rush. the QER was decent up until the last point about alcohol, didn’t write anything for that. are there any answers you remember? i’d like to compare 😭

yeah the motorway one was weird and i think i just repeated the same three things in earlier parts of the question😭 for the last part i focused on the fact that basement membrane was thickened and linked it to less small molecules passing by the glomerulus to get to pct and so solute potential was lowered bc less Na+ went in
Original post by staycyoungluv
I thought that this paper was really nice, and the only things that weren't nice was that I wrote until the very last second to finish the QER (my dominant hand definitely did not appreciate that) and that I definitely got the variation 1-marker wrong lol
I didn’t mind the QER, and I also got that variation question wrong my mind went blank, also got the 1 marker for type of vesicle wrong💀
Original post by staycyoungluv
yeah the motorway one was weird and i think i just repeated the same three things in earlier parts of the question😭 for the last part i focused on the fact that basement membrane was thickened and linked it to less small molecules passing by the glomerulus to get to pct and so solute potential was lowered bc less Na+ went in
Ahhh that makes sense for the membrane, i didn’t do much revision of the kidney ngl so that’s on me 🥲
there was a few nice questions at the start of the motorway one. one of the questions for the motorway one was like ‘how could they change the experiment to adjust to the results’ or something along those lines. i was thinking wtf, i put they should do it in intervals throughout the year??
Original post by Joe888888888
I didn’t mind the QER, and I also got that variation question wrong my mind went blank, also got the 1 marker for type of vesicle wrong💀

for the vesicle i said it contained acetylcholine.. im not sure if thats what they were looking for. at least u didn’t mind the QER, could make up for those potential marks lost 😀
Original post by tenacious-circle
for the vesicle i said it contained acetylcholine.. im not sure if thats what they were looking for. at least u didn’t mind the QER, could make up for those potential marks lost 😀

i wrote that it was a secretory vesicle but idk now 😂
Original post by tenacious-circle
Ahhh that makes sense for the membrane, i didn’t do much revision of the kidney ngl so that’s on me 🥲
there was a few nice questions at the start of the motorway one. one of the questions for the motorway one was like ‘how could they change the experiment to adjust to the results’ or something along those lines. i was thinking wtf, i put they should do it in intervals throughout the year??
I put the same for the change of results question 🙂 The kidney QER was a lot of content for the marks, completely out of character for WJEC PPQs.
Original post by staycyoungluv
i wrote that it was a secretory vesicle but idk now 😂
secretory is a shout, i couldn’t think of a type as such
Reply 16
Original post by tenacious-circle
the motorway one was so strange lol.. i can’t remember what i said for the variation question, i either put discontinuous or continuous variation in a rush. the QER was decent up until the last point about alcohol, didn’t write anything for that. are there any answers you remember? i’d like to compare 😭
You know the question where you had to calculate and they had given you an equation? The equation said something about Log x and log 0 or something like that and you had to read off a graph? What did you get for that question? My answer I remember was 4.99 and then they said to round up to the nearest whole number so I said 5 but I'm worried I did it wrong! Omg me too about the QER, I found it decent but I ran out of time and answered the whole thing in 4 minutes so wrote like 2 paragraphs that probably didn't make any sense 😭
Reply 17
Original post by anonyst
You know the question where you had to calculate and they had given you an equation? The equation said something about Log x and log 0 or something like that and you had to read off a graph? What did you get for that question? My answer I remember was 4.99 and then they said to round up to the nearest whole number so I said 5 but I'm worried I did it wrong! Omg me too about the QER, I found it decent but I ran out of time and answered the whole thing in 4 minutes so wrote like 2 paragraphs that probably didn't make any sense 😭

I got 5 too! I skipped straight to the QER so I didn’t run out of time but completely forgot to answer the last part on oedema. But then I ran out of time on other parts of the paper
Reply 18
Original post by tenacious-circle
secretory is a shout, i couldn’t think of a type as such

I put transport vesicle I have no idea if it’s right or not though
Reply 19
Original post by shd14235
I got 5 too! I skipped straight to the QER so I didn’t run out of time but completely forgot to answer the last part on oedema. But then I ran out of time on other parts of the paper

omg I am so releived we got the same answer! I was so worried!!