I'm about to finish my final year at university, and my 21st birthday is coming up...but only 3 people are showing up; 3 have cancelled on me and it's deeply upset me. Anyway, I think I had a substantial amount of friends in my 1st and 2nd year. Had 3 close guy friends and 4 close girl friends (two diff groups). My flatmates in 1st year were boring and never wanted to socialize. 2nd year I was with my 3 girl friends and 2 other randos. 2nd year finished and 4 of my friends dropped out and they live very far away to meet up. We still text daily but the connection is fizzling out I fear.
Was meant to share a flat with these friends again for 3rd year but I was on my own with a flat of two boys (nobody moved into the 2 extra rooms) who are just as boring and never ever want to go out or even talk. Flat is dead as a zombie. I just haven't got a solid friend group like I used to. What is also a shame is that nobody ever wanted to do anything spontaneous or adventurous and never liked taking photos/vids. When I see instagram posts of big groups taking disposable pics or doing tiktok trends, it makes me feel left out as nobody ever wants to participate in this cool stuff. We occasionally clubbing and drinking, but its gotten way too predictable. I'm at a small uni and the accom only houses 500 students, yet I never see anyone new. Whenever I try and make new friends, nobody is interested in me or will only put up with me for 5 mins. Ironically, I consider myself an extrovert yet I feel lonely asf.
I don't know. I think I have enough (sort of), but I wish I had the really cool experience where I could go to parties (don't know anyone popular who'd invite me), go to the beach and get sloshed, take funny vids and pics, and just vibe, but nobody ever has the energy like I have. Also, my homelife is just as bad; only have 2 close friends and most people from school simply forgot about me. I'm worried I'm going to wind up friendless as I grow older in the future and whenever I get an opportunity to make more friends, I'll just annoy them and still be alone.