The Student Room Group

Uni of York or Manchester for Medicine

Hi, the ucas deadline is tomorrow but im struggling to make my decision between york and manchester which to firm and which to insure😬. I have the same offer for both univeristies for med (AAB if firm choice, AAA if not). Im from Doncaster so a smaller city, closer to york. Im aware manchester is a much bigger city with lots of nightlife but im not sure which to choose. The accomodation at york seems nicer and it seems more relaxed however i like how the manchester uni is in the city rather than campus. I have slightly more friends going to york than manchester but im trying not to choose based on them. One thing that is putting me off of choosing manchester is that some students have called the course ‘messy’.
Was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this??
Original post by Anonymous
Hi, the ucas deadline is tomorrow but im struggling to make my decision between york and manchester which to firm and which to insure😬. I have the same offer for both univeristies for med (AAB if firm choice, AAA if not). Im from Doncaster so a smaller city, closer to york. Im aware manchester is a much bigger city with lots of nightlife but im not sure which to choose. The accomodation at york seems nicer and it seems more relaxed however i like how the manchester uni is in the city rather than campus. I have slightly more friends going to york than manchester but im trying not to choose based on them. One thing that is putting me off of choosing manchester is that some students have called the course ‘messy’.
Was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this??
Both are great options I know it can be tough to decide between the two. I can't speak much on Manchester since I haven't been and will be doing a completely different course. I went to the open day for York and really liked it, accommodations were nice despite a bit expensive. As for the campus, I really liked how much wildlife and nature there was to see especially on east campus, (but also because I'm more of a nature type of person than a city person). I also heard they had shuttle buses that travel from campuses and also into the city. Definitely consider the transportations for both options. You mentioned being from Doncaster, you might get homesick and want to visit home.Since it's not that far you might wanna visit home at your convenience. Medicine is a very tough course, did you tried visiting the open days for medicine courses for both unis? It definitely helps to gain insight for your decisions, since you get to see the lab spaces and facilities for med students and see how it would feel to study there. Also I'd take a look at the modules they have to offer if you haven't already, see what you like and what you're more interested in. Maybe make a list of pros and cons, could possibly help you. Good luck with your choices and with med!

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