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A - Level Options help (History or politics)

A - Level Options
Hi, I'm currently a GCSE student but am having second thoughts on my A-Level options
I have an offer for sixth form and to be taking history, spanish and english literature
However, I am considering taking politics and doing 4 Alevels
Does anyone have experience of doing all 4 of these subjects, would doing all 4 be a bad idea?
Equally I would like to apply to do history with spanish at uni, and heard that universities prefer you do history OR politics, not both. Is this true?
Thanks :smile:
Reply 1
Original post by CloudyAhhh
A - Level Options
Hi, I'm currently a GCSE student but am having second thoughts on my A-Level options
I have an offer for sixth form and to be taking history, spanish and english literature
However, I am considering taking politics and doing 4 Alevels
Does anyone have experience of doing all 4 of these subjects, would doing all 4 be a bad idea?
Equally I would like to apply to do history with spanish at uni, and heard that universities prefer you do history OR politics, not both. Is this true?
Thanks :smile:

I do politics and history, its not true that unis prefer you to do one, but history is generally more respected
If you can’t decide you can always do 4 and drop one down to an AS level if it becomes too much
From mine/ friends experienced they are all quite content heavy a levels, so sticking to the 3 you have would be easier (and it sounds like a great combo)
please don't do politics
I do Edexcel History and Politics and would 100% recommend doing both. They both often cross over which makes the learning process and revision so much easier. And in regard to applying to uni most unis apart from maybe Oxford or Cambridge don’t really have a preference for it and are just more focused on your grades or UCAS points or your personal statement. I am going to be studying History at UWTSD and had no issues regarding me doing both and when I spoke to them in person they actively encourage it at A Level so you have a wider scope of knowledge for the course as the degree is from 11th century to 21st so both are good for this. But every uni is different. I wouldn’t worry about application to uni just yet and do subjects you enjoy and decide based on that and find a university you could see yourself and like no matter how prestigious it is. Hope this helps!
Original post by feather28
I do politics and history, its not true that unis prefer you to do one, but history is generally more respected
If you can’t decide you can always do 4 and drop one down to an AS level if it becomes too much
From mine/ friends experienced they are all quite content heavy a levels, so sticking to the 3 you have would be easier (and it sounds like a great combo)

Yes I agree with this. My history teacher told me that a C/D in history is viewed by employers as the same as a A/B in Business Studies. I do agree that all your subjects (apart from Spanish) are quite content heavy (I did English Lit and found that more difficult for content than history which many of my friends who do both say too) so if you still end up wanting to do 4 by December then i would definitely consider dropping one to an AS and i think for that politics would be your best option as it would make your life so much easier when doing exams and limit the amount of potential clashes.
Reply 5
Original post by feather28
I do politics and history, its not true that unis prefer you to do one, but history is generally more respected
If you can’t decide you can always do 4 and drop one down to an AS level if it becomes too much
From mine/ friends experienced they are all quite content heavy a levels, so sticking to the 3 you have would be easier (and it sounds like a great combo)

Okay amazing thank you :smile:
Reply 6
There is no value in taking 4 A levels - and many schools/colleges will not let you do this.
Unis will only look at 3 A levels grades, and you risk impacting all of your grades by trying to take on too much.
Remember, AAA will always look better than ABBB - and that could cost you a Uni place.

Unis would have no problem with A levels in both History and Politics - and if you want to do any sort of 'Spanish Studies' studying both would be a good idea. Why are you doing Eng Lit? You could take Spanish, Politics and History?

BA History and Spanish | Study at Bristol | University of Bristol
BA Politics and Spanish (2024 entry) | The University of Manchester
Spanish & Latin American Studies | Undergraduate Subject Areas | Study Here | The University of Aberdeen (
BA European Studies with Spanish - European Studies with Spanish Degree | University of Essex
Law with Hispanic Law LLB | University of Leeds
Reply 7
Original post by McGinger
There is no value in taking 4 A levels - and many schools/colleges will not let you do this.
Unis will only look at 3 A levels grades, and you risk impacting all of your grades by trying to take on too much.
Remember, AAA will always look better than ABBB - and that could cost you a Uni place.
Unis would have no problem with A levels in both History and Politics - and if you want to do any sort of 'Spanish Studies' studying both would be a good idea. Why are you doing Eng Lit? You could take Spanish, Politics and History?
BA History and Spanish | Study at Bristol | University of Bristol
BA Politics and Spanish (2024 entry) | The University of Manchester
Spanish & Latin American Studies | Undergraduate Subject Areas | Study Here | The University of Aberdeen (
BA European Studies with Spanish - European Studies with Spanish Degree | University of Essex
Law with Hispanic Law LLB | University of Leeds

Spanish politics and history would be a great combo too, I have a friend who does that and Spanish and politics complement each other more than you would think and as others have said politics and history is a great combo, it would also mean you only have to do one piece of coursework (NEA) in year 13 which would help
(edited 8 months ago)

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